
Notes app using cakephp and angular js

Primary LanguagePHP

Installation Guide

Tech Stack ● Cakephp 3 (MVC) ● AngularJs 1 ● Mysql 5.7

Installation Application is using composer,bower and npm. Composer install ­ Location ­ root path --capillary_app Change the tmp and logs folder permission to 777


  1. CakePHP 3 ­ https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/index.html
  2. Create virtual host https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how­to­set­up­apache­virtual­hosts ­on­ubuntu­14­04­lts
  3. Angularjs https://angularjs.org/
  4. Yeoman Generator http://yeoman.io/