
basic things i like to have in all of my python projects

Primary LanguagePython


Basic things i like to have in all of my python projects. This Template installs Flask as a sample runtime requirement.


This Template contains (currently) two different ways to handle requirements. Before you start choose one option and remove the unnecessary files. Then go into the makefile and activate / deactivate the way you want to handle the dependencies.

For Containers use

  • requirements.txt
  • requirements-dev.txt
  • dockerfile

For Libraries or Packages like dep or rpm use

  • setup.py


First way is based on setup.py. That is the right way if you want to distribute a library or standalone package. BUt you have to specify more advanced information like package directory etc.


The second way is based on the classical requirements.txt files. It is the preferred way if you want to package your sources into an container.

Prepare Dev Environment

  • install python 3
  • apt-get install python3-venv

Init Development Environment

The easiest way to prepare the development environment is to use 'make'. The Command make devenvwill prepare an virtual environment and install all required dependencies for python development.

To run your project use make run. This will execute automated tests and then starts your main function. With make startdebugit will simple start your project without any test runs.

Another option is to execute the following Steps manually:

Create and activate Virtual Environment with dependencies

python3 -m venv .env

Load Dependencies required for Development

pip install . -e .[dev,test]

Execute Unit tests


Prepare Deployment and CI/CD pipeline

The command make ci will install all dev and test dependencies, run tests, run style checks and finally build the docker container.