
Goal: Fix Java

(jk, that's probably impossible)

Realistic Goal: Make java a little less annoying to make stuff with.

Actually though, what is this?

A set of Java classes that help with commonly used functionality, so you don't have to reimplement it everytime (or use Maven/Gradle in a small project). You can use this as a single jar file that you just copy into your project directory, because it's intended for projects where the extra complexity/annoyingness of java build systems/package management is not worth it.

What does it have?

  • A custom JSON parser (more info)
  • And a JSON serializer too
  • HTTP client (single line HTTP POST/GET)
  • HTTP server (a little WIP but should work)
  • A key-value store



// Parse JSON
Object data = new JSONParser(jsonString).parse();
// Serialize JSON
String jsonString = new JSONSerializer(data).serialize();

// JSON-able Types: Map (JSON object), List (JSON array), String, Number, Boolean, null

KV Store

// Create a KV store, SomeType is the type of the value which can be a JSON-able type (see above)
KVStore<SomeType> kv = new KVStore<>(dataDirectoryString);
// Set a value
kv.set("key", value); // value of type SomeType
// Get a value
SomeType value = kv.get("key"); // returns value of type SomeType, throws KVStoreException if key doesn't exist or data is corrupted/invalid
// Delete a value

HTTP Client

String response = Request.get("");
String response ="", Map<String, String>); // Form data body
String response ="", String, Helpers.HTTP.ContentType); // Other data body types

HTTP Server

Server server = new Server(3000);