
Block Foundation Charter [WIP]

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Organisation Charter

Block Foundation Governance

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Welcome to the heart of the Block Foundation's principles and operational guidelines – the Charter Repository. This is where you will find the foundational documents outlining our mission, vision, values, strategies, and operational processes, providing a comprehensive guide to the ethos and rules that govern our organization.


The Charter of the Block Foundation is a living document that encapsulates our commitment to democratizing architecture through blockchain technology. It is the blueprint we follow in our quest to tackle housing mismatches, and to reshape traditional constraints to create a more inclusive and dynamic real estate market.

In this repository, you will find detailed sections covering our mission statement, vision, and the core strategies we adopt to bring about change. It also outlines the rights, roles, and responsibilities of our contributors, setting the tone for respectful, productive collaborations that uphold our shared values.

Transparency and collaboration form the bedrock of the Block Foundation. Therefore, this Charter is not just a rulebook but also a platform for dialogue. We encourage our community members to explore the document, provide input, and help us refine our processes and goals. After all, the Block Foundation is not just about the few but the many who believe in a more sustainable and equitable real estate landscape.

We hope this Charter Repository serves as a clear guide to what we stand for, what we aim to achieve, and how we plan to get there. It's a reflection of our commitment to the journey we're embarking on together, a journey that seeks to revolutionize architecture and housing for the betterment of all.


Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be the Block Foundation.

1.1 The official name of this organization, henceforth referred to in this document, shall be the "Block Foundation". This name should be used in all formal communications and official documents related to the organization's activities.

1.2 The organization may also be referred to by its abbreviated form, "BF". This abbreviation may be used for internal communication or in contexts where the full name of the organization is already clearly understood or stated.

1.3 The organization may also operate under different names, or "doing business as" (DBA) names, as needed for various initiatives, projects, or branches of the foundation. All such names must be officially registered and approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with local and international law.

1.4 Any name change, whether temporary or permanent, must be officially proposed, discussed, and approved by the Board of Directors. It must then be registered and made public in accordance with the relevant local and international regulations.

1.5 The Block Foundation will uphold the integrity and reputation of its name in all circumstances. Any misuse of the organization's name, whether it be for unauthorized, misleading, or fraudulent activities, will be strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

1.6 All members, employees, partners, and stakeholders are expected to respect and uphold the name of the Block Foundation, using it responsibly and accurately in all relevant contexts. Misuse, misrepresentation, or unauthorized use of the organization's name is a breach of this charter and may result in disciplinary action or removal from the organization.

Article II – Mission

2.1 The Block Foundation is dedicated to empowering architects and other key stakeholders to drive innovative solutions to current housing issues. Our mission is to dismantle barriers within the housing sector, foster inclusivity and balance, and enable sustainable change.

2.2 The Foundation's approach is grounded in the novel application of blockchain technology, intending to reshape traditional practices within the housing market. The goal is to move beyond the binary of rent and traditional mortgage systems, fostering a more dynamic, flexible, and equitable landscape in real estate transactions.

2.3 To achieve this mission, the Foundation is committed to:

2.3.1 Supporting Research and Development: We foster innovation by promoting and funding research in architecture, housing, and blockchain technology. This includes encouraging experiments and pilots that test new models of housing and home ownership.

2.3.2 Establishing Collaborative Partnerships: We strive to form strategic alliances with architects, urban planners, project developers, service providers, research institutes, and governments to facilitate the exchange of ideas, resources, and expertise.

2.3.3 Advocacy and Education: We actively engage in policy dialogues and advocacy efforts to promote the use of blockchain in architecture and housing. Additionally, we provide educational resources and training programs to equip architects and other stakeholders with the necessary skills and knowledge in blockchain technology.

2.3.4 Developing Blockchain Solutions: We aim to create, test, and implement smart contract solutions that democratize property ownership, reduce barriers to market entry, and ensure fair transactions.

2.4 The mission serves as the guiding principle for all activities undertaken by the Foundation. All projects, partnerships, and initiatives will be aligned with the mission and seek to advance its objectives. The impact of the Foundation's activities will be regularly evaluated against the mission to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness.

2.5 The Foundation is committed to inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation in all its endeavors, and is dedicated to maintaining a high level of ethical and professional standards in fulfilling its mission.

Article III – Objectives

3.1 The Block Foundation's primary objective is to fuel innovation in the architecture and housing sector through the utilization of blockchain technology. Our objectives serve as the roadmap guiding our mission and are integral to the strategies and actions we undertake.

3.2 Objectives of the Block Foundation include:

3.2.1 Empowering Architects: Our foremost objective is to empower architects and architectural entities to reclaim their role as primary drivers of social innovation. We strive to equip them with the tools, resources, and platforms necessary to explore, challenge, and reshape existing norms and practices in architecture and housing.

3.2.2 Establishing the Meta-Estate Lab: We aim to establish and support the Meta-Estate Lab, a pioneering initiative designed to challenge and reinvent existing architectural and housing practices. The lab will serve as an incubator for disruptive ideas, technologies, and models, bringing together architects, urban planners, researchers, and other stakeholders.

3.2.3 Rethinking Housing Finance: We are committed to transforming the traditional models of housing finance. We aspire to create a balanced system that merges the flexibility of rent with the stability of mortgages, effectively unlocking a middle ground that can accommodate diverse housing needs and financial capacities.

3.2.4 Creating an Inclusive Market Environment: We strive to blur the traditional boundaries within the real estate market. We seek to foster an ecosystem where the roles of initiator, creator, investor, and resident overlap and interact fluidly, cultivating a democratic and dynamic market.

3.2.5 Democratizing Investment Opportunities: We aim to democratize investment opportunities within the housing market. We envision a market where investments are not restricted to a privileged few but are accessible to a broader audience. Blockchain technology will be harnessed to facilitate fractional ownership, allowing individuals to invest according to their means.

3.2.6 Promoting Sustainable Practices: Sustainability is a fundamental principle that guides our actions. We aim to promote environmentally conscious practices within architectural design and real estate development, ensuring that the housing market contributes positively to the environment.

3.2.7 Fostering Knowledge and Skills Development: The Block Foundation recognizes the importance of continuous learning and skill development. We aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and skills development programs to equip stakeholders with the necessary competencies to navigate the evolving landscape of the housing market powered by blockchain technology.

3.2.8 Encouraging Transparency and Accountability: We believe in a market that operates with complete transparency and accountability. Through the use of blockchain technology, we aim to create a system where transactions are traceable, verifiable, and free from corruption.

3.2.9 Advocating for Policy Reforms: We will actively engage in advocacy for policy reforms that support the use of blockchain technology in the housing market. We aim to contribute to the creation of a legislative environment that fosters innovation and inclusivity.

3.2.10 Fostering Global Collaboration: Recognizing the global nature of housing challenges, we strive to foster international collaboration. We aim to build partnerships with organizations worldwide to share knowledge, best practices, and to jointly tackle housing issues.

3.2.11 Building Community Resilience: Our objective is not only to revolutionize the housing market but also to contribute to the resilience of communities. By ensuring fair access to housing and fostering inclusive growth, we aim to build communities that are robust and resilient.

3.3 The attainment of these objectives will be a constant focus for all members, employees, and partners of the Block Foundation. We will review our progress towards these objectives on a regular basis, adjusting our strategies and actions as necessary to ensure we are effectively pursuing our mission.

3.4 We commit to pursuing these objectives with a steadfast dedication to inclusivity, fairness, and sustainability. All initiatives undertaken in pursuit of these objectives must align with our values, uphold our mission, and contribute positively to the society we serve.

Article IV – Programs

4.1 To fulfill the mission and objectives of the Block Foundation, a series of programs have been established. These initiatives have been designed to directly address the areas of focus outlined in our mission and represent a concrete strategy to accomplish our goals.

4.2 The following are the primary programs initiated by the Block Foundation:

4.2.1 Stakeholder Symposia: Recognizing the importance of fostering a diverse and inclusive community, the Block Foundation will host a series of symposia. These gatherings will serve as a platform to bring together architects, urban planners, project developers, service providers, research institutes, governments, and other relevant stakeholders. Together, we will discuss challenges, opportunities, and innovative solutions in the housing market. These symposia aim to facilitate dialogue, build relationships, encourage collaboration, and form strategic alliances that advance the mission of the Foundation.

4.2.2 Research and Publication: The Block Foundation is committed to promoting research that explores the potential of blockchain technology in architecture and housing. As such, we will develop and publish a variety of research outputs including manifestos, academic papers, and technical whitepapers. These publications will provide insights, propose novel concepts, detail innovative practices, and serve as a foundation for further innovation in the field. They will be made freely accessible to encourage widespread dissemination and utilization of our findings.

4.2.3 Open-Source Codes: In our pursuit of a democratized and inclusive housing market, the Block Foundation will create and provide open-source codes. These codes represent the technical foundation of our vision, detailing blockchain-based solutions that can facilitate the transformation of the housing market. By providing these codes in an open-source format, we aim to encourage widespread adoption, facilitate customization and improvements, and stimulate the growth of a collaborative ecosystem around our practices.

4.3 Each program will be overseen by dedicated teams within the Foundation, which will ensure the effective planning, implementation, and evaluation of activities. The progress and impact of these programs will be regularly monitored and assessed to ensure they align with our mission, objectives, and strategic goals.

4.4 As the Foundation evolves, additional programs may be established to address emerging needs, capitalize on new opportunities, and respond to changes in the broader context. Any new programs will be consistent with the Foundation's mission and values, and will be established following consultation with stakeholders and approval by the Board of Directors.

Article V – Governance

5.1 The Block Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is the primary decision-making body responsible for the strategic oversight, direction, and effective functioning of the Foundation.

5.2 The Board of Trustees is composed of a diverse group of individuals, who bring a wide range of skills, expertise, and perspectives to the Foundation. These individuals are selected on the basis of their commitment to the Foundation's mission, their knowledge and experience in relevant fields, and their ability to contribute effectively to the governance of the Foundation.

5.3 Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees:

5.3.1 Oversee the Foundation's strategic direction: The Board of Trustees is responsible for setting the Foundation's strategic direction, aligning it with its mission and objectives, and ensuring it responds appropriately to changing circumstances and emerging opportunities.

5.3.2 Establish and govern the Meta-Estate Lab: The Board of Trustees will establish and oversee the governance of the Meta-Estate Lab, the Foundation's primary initiative to stimulate innovation in architecture and housing.

5.3.3 Appoint and supervise the Executive Director: The Board of Trustees appoints the Executive Director, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Foundation. The Board oversees the Executive Director's performance, provides guidance and support, and holds the Director accountable for achieving the Foundation's strategic goals.

5.3.4 Ensure fiscal responsibility: The Board of Trustees oversees the Foundation's finances to ensure its resources are used responsibly and effectively in pursuit of its mission. The Board approves the annual budget, reviews financial reports, and ensures appropriate financial controls are in place.

5.3.5 Monitor and evaluate the Foundation's performance: The Board of Trustees regularly reviews the Foundation's performance against its strategic goals and objectives, and ensures it is making effective progress towards its mission.

5.3.6 Promote the Foundation's mission and values: The Board of Trustees acts as ambassadors for the Foundation, promoting its mission, programs, and values to stakeholders, partners, and the wider community.

5.4 The Board of Trustees works in collaboration with a diverse group of stakeholders, including architects, urban planners, project developers, service providers, research institutes, and (semi-)governments. These collaborations enable the Foundation to benefit from a wide range of perspectives, expertise, and resources, and ensure it remains responsive to the needs and interests of those it serves.

5.5 The Board of Trustees meets regularly to discuss matters of strategic importance, make decisions, and review the Foundation's progress. The Board operates in a transparent and accountable manner, in line with best practices in non-profit governance.

5.6 The terms of office, procedures for appointment and removal, and other matters relating to the governance of the Board of Trustees will be set out in the Foundation's Bylaws.

Article VI – Membership

6.1 Open Membership: Membership in the Block Foundation is open to all individuals, organizations, and entities that are interested in supporting, advancing, and contributing to the mission and objectives of the Foundation. Our membership encompasses a diverse community that includes architects, urban planners, project developers, service providers, research institutes, and (semi-)governments, along with anyone else who has a vested interest in the intersection of architecture, housing, and blockchain technology.

6.2 Types of Membership: To accommodate the various levels of interest and involvement in the Foundation's mission, we offer several types of membership. These may include individual memberships, organizational memberships, partner memberships, and honorary memberships. The specific rights, benefits, and responsibilities associated with each type of membership will be defined in the Foundation's Bylaws.

6.3 Membership Responsibilities: All members are expected to adhere to the Foundation's mission, vision, and values, and to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the Foundation. Members are also expected to contribute to the Foundation's work in ways that are consistent with their abilities and interests. This may include participation in the Foundation's programs and initiatives, attendance at Foundation events, or advocacy for the Foundation's mission.

6.4 Membership Benefits: Members of the Block Foundation enjoy a range of benefits, which may include access to exclusive resources, opportunities to participate in Foundation programs and initiatives, eligibility to serve on committees or working groups, and the right to vote on matters of importance to the Foundation.

6.5 Membership Dues: The Foundation may require members to pay annual membership dues. The amount of these dues, and any exceptions or waivers, will be determined by the Board of Trustees and outlined in the Foundation's Bylaws.

6.6 Termination of Membership: Membership in the Block Foundation may be terminated by resignation of the member, non-payment of dues, or actions that are in violation of the Foundation's mission, values, or code of conduct. The procedures for termination of membership will be detailed in the Foundation's Bylaws.

Article VII – Finance

7.1 Sources of Funding: The Block Foundation is funded primarily through grants, donations, membership dues, corporate sponsorships, and other philanthropic contributions. We may also seek funding from other opportunities that align with our mission, such as contracts for services, endowments, fundraising events, and investment income.

7.2 Grant Applications: The Foundation actively applies for grants from a variety of sources, including governmental agencies, private foundations, and corporate giving programs. We focus on grants that support our mission and that are aligned with our strategic priorities.

7.3 Donations: The Foundation gladly accepts donations from individuals, organizations, corporations, and other entities who wish to support our mission. We may launch fundraising campaigns as needed to support specific programs or initiatives. All donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

7.4 Financial Stewardship: The Foundation is committed to the highest standards of financial stewardship. We manage our resources prudently and strive to use our funds in a manner that maximizes their impact on our mission.

7.5 Transparency: The Foundation believes in transparency in all financial matters. We provide regular financial reports to our Board of Trustees and publish an annual report that includes a financial statement. This report is made available to the public and details our sources of income, our expenditures, and our financial position.

7.6 Financial Audits: The Foundation's financial records are subject to an annual independent audit conducted by a certified public accountant. The results of these audits are reviewed by the Board of Trustees and are made available to the public.

7.7 Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Foundation shall be defined in the Foundation's Bylaws.

7.8 Compliance: The Foundation is committed to full compliance with all financial reporting and tax requirements. We maintain a rigorous internal controls system to ensure the accuracy and legality of all financial transactions. All financial activities are conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as the ethical standards of the non-profit sector.

7.9 Asset Management: The Foundation is responsible for the prudent management of its assets. We have adopted an investment policy that provides guidelines for the investment of the Foundation's assets, with the goal of preserving capital, providing income, and supporting the Foundation's long-term financial stability.

Article VIII – Amendments

8.1 Proposal of Amendments: Any member of the Board of Trustees may propose an amendment to the Charter. This proposal must be written and submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration. The proposed amendment must include the exact language of the amendment, the article it would alter, and a rationale for the change.

8.2 Review and Discussion: Once a proposed amendment has been submitted, the Board of Trustees will schedule a time for review and discussion. This review period allows Trustees to deliberate on the proposed change and its potential impact on the Foundation, considering both the immediate and long-term implications.

8.3 Voting on Amendments: Following the review period, the Board of Trustees will vote on the proposed amendment. A two-thirds majority of the Board must vote in favor of the amendment for it to pass. This supermajority requirement ensures that any changes to the Charter reflect a substantial consensus among the Board.

8.4 Notification of Amendments: In the event that an amendment is passed, the Foundation will promptly notify all members and stakeholders of the change. The notification will include a copy of the amended Charter and a summary of the changes.

8.5 Implementation of Amendments: Once passed, amendments to the Charter are binding and take immediate effect, unless a specific implementation date has been set. All operations, programs, and activities of the Foundation will comply with the amended Charter.

8.6 Record of Amendments: The Foundation will keep a detailed record of all amendments to the Charter, including the date of the amendment, the exact language of the change, and the vote tally. This record will be kept with the official copy of the Charter and will be made available for public review.

8.7 Regular Review of the Charter: The Board of Trustees will conduct a comprehensive review of the Charter at least once every five years to ensure that it remains current, relevant, and aligned with the Foundation's mission and objectives. This review may lead to additional amendments as the Foundation evolves and its needs change.

Article IX – Dissolution

9.1 Dissolution Procedure: Should the unfortunate need for dissolution of the Block Foundation arise, the process shall be carried out in accordance with the stipulations of the Foundation's bylaws and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

9.2 Payment of Debts and Liabilities: The first responsibility of the Foundation, upon deciding to dissolve, will be to pay or make provision for the payment of all the liabilities and expenses of the Foundation, including but not limited to, the costs of dissolution and any outstanding debts.

9.3 Disposal of Assets: Once all outstanding debts and liabilities have been settled, the Foundation's remaining assets, if any, will be carefully disbursed. The disbursement of the Foundation's assets will be conducted in a manner that aligns with the Foundation's mission.

9.4 Beneficiaries: Assets will be distributed to one or more organizations that are organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes. The beneficiaries will be selected by the Board of Trustees, and ideally will have a mission and objectives similar to those of the Block Foundation, in order to continue the work the Foundation sought to achieve.

9.5 Compliance with IRS Regulations: Any organization(s) receiving the assets of the Block Foundation must qualify as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

9.6 Documenting the Dissolution: The Foundation will file the necessary notices, reports, and returns to document the dissolution with the appropriate authorities, ensuring that it has met all legal requirements.

9.7 Archiving: Even after dissolution, the Foundation's records will be kept for a period as dictated by law to allow for any necessary audits or investigations. After this period, any remaining records will be disposed of in a secure manner.

9.8 Closure: After the dissolution is complete, the Foundation will cease all operations. The dissolution will be marked as a significant milestone in the history of the organization, acknowledging the impact the Foundation has had and expressing hope that the work can continue through other entities.

Article X – Adoption

10.1 Proposal for Adoption: Once the initial draft of the charter is completed, it shall be proposed for adoption to the Board of Trustees. The proposal shall outline the contents of the charter, the rationale behind it, and the impact it is expected to have on the Block Foundation.

10.2 Review and Discussion: The Board of Trustees shall be provided with adequate time to review the draft charter in depth, consider its implications, and prepare any questions or concerns. This period also allows for open discussion and deliberation, during which Trustees may suggest edits or revisions to the draft.

10.3 Voting for Adoption: Following the review and discussion period, the Board of Trustees will vote on the adoption of the charter. A two-thirds majority of the Board must vote in favor of the charter for it to be considered approved and adopted. This supermajority requirement ensures that the charter has broad support among the Board.

10.4 Adoption and Enactment: Upon approval by a two-thirds vote, the charter shall be officially adopted and put into force. The effective date of the charter will be the date of the successful vote, unless otherwise specified.

10.5 Notification of Adoption: Once adopted, the Foundation will promptly inform all members, stakeholders, and interested parties of the adoption of the new charter. This communication will include a copy of the charter and an explanation of its significance to the Block Foundation.

10.6 Compliance with Charter: From the moment of adoption, all operations, programs, and activities of the Block Foundation will be guided by the provisions outlined in the charter. All members and stakeholders of the Foundation are expected to adhere to the charter in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.

10.7 Record of Adoption: The Foundation will keep a record of the charter's adoption, including the date of adoption, the final language of the charter, and the vote tally. This record will be kept with the official copy of the charter and made available for public review.

Article XI – Non-Discrimination Policy

11.1 Policy Statement: The Block Foundation strictly adheres to a policy of non-discrimination. We believe in equality, inclusivity, and fairness, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals. We are committed to maintaining an environment that is free from discrimination, where all members are treated with respect and dignity.

11.2 Scope: This non-discrimination policy applies to all aspects of the Foundation's operations and activities, including but not limited to membership selection, grantmaking, hiring and employment practices, service provision, and organizational governance.

11.3 Protected Characteristics: The Block Foundation expressly prohibits discrimination based on an individual's race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state, or local law.

11.4 Promotion of Diversity: In addition to non-discrimination, the Foundation is committed to promoting diversity within its membership, staff, leadership, and beneficiaries. We value the variety of perspectives and experiences that a diverse community can bring, and strive to reflect this diversity in every aspect of our work.

11.5 Reporting Discrimination: The Block Foundation encourages members to report any instances of perceived discrimination or harassment related to the Foundation's activities. We are committed to investigating all such reports promptly and fairly, and to taking appropriate action to rectify any proven incidents of discrimination.

11.6 Policy Enforcement: Violations of this non-discrimination policy will be regarded as serious misconduct and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership or employment, cessation of funding, or other relevant sanctions.

11.7 Policy Review: The Foundation will review this policy periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in promoting a non-discriminatory and inclusive environment. This review will consider changes in law, best practices in non-profit governance, and feedback from Foundation members and stakeholders.

11.8 Awareness and Training: The Foundation will take steps to ensure that all members, employees, and stakeholders are aware of this policy, understand its provisions, and are equipped to uphold it. This may include providing information sessions, training, or other educational resources on discrimination and equality issues.

Article XII – Conflict of Interest

12.1 Definition: A conflict of interest arises when a member of the Board of Trustees, an officer, or a committee member has a personal or financial interest that could affect or appear to affect their decision-making within the Block Foundation. This includes, but is not limited to, any situation where such an individual might benefit personally or financially, either directly or indirectly, from a contract, transaction, or determination that is being presented for approval.

12.2 Disclosure: Any individual subject to this policy who has an actual or potential conflict of interest in a matter under consideration by the Board of Trustees or a committee thereof is required to disclose the conflict promptly, fully, and in good faith. This disclosure should include all relevant information about the nature and extent of the conflict.

12.3 Abstention from Voting: Following the disclosure of a conflict of interest, the conflicted individual shall not vote on, nor use their personal influence in, the decision-making process relating to the matter in question. They may, however, provide information or answer questions about the matter before leaving the meeting during the discussion and voting process.

12.4 Determination: The non-conflicted members of the Board or committee will discuss the potential conflict of interest and determine, by majority vote, whether a conflict of interest exists. The determination and its basis will be documented in the meeting minutes.

12.5 Annual Statements: To proactively manage potential conflicts of interest, each trustee, officer, and committee member will be asked to complete a statement annually identifying any relationships, positions, or circumstances in which they are involved that they believe could contribute to a conflict of interest.

12.6 Training and Education: The Block Foundation will provide training and educational resources to ensure that all trustees, officers, and committee members understand this policy and the underlying principles of independence and fiduciary duty.

12.7 Enforcement: Violations of this conflict of interest policy may result in disciplinary measures, up to and including removal from the Board of Trustees or committee, as deemed appropriate by a majority vote of the non-conflicted members of the Board.

12.8 Review of Policy: This Conflict of Interest Policy will be reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees to ensure that it continues to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and to make any updates or adjustments as needed.

Article XIII – Limitations

13.1 The Block Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as defined by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our primary objective is to advance understanding and innovation in architecture and housing through the use of blockchain technology. All programs and initiatives of the Foundation are designed to support this mission.

13.2 No Private Inurement: The Block Foundation is committed to ensuring that no part of the net earnings of the organization inures to the benefit of any private individual. This prohibition extends to all individuals who have the ability to influence the actions of the Foundation, including trustees, officers, and key employees. Compensation for services rendered and reimbursement of expenses incurred in the conduct of the Foundation's activities are the only permissible financial transactions between the Foundation and its members.

13.3 Political Activity: The Block Foundation shall not directly or indirectly participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office. The Foundation is committed to operating in a non-partisan manner, and will not engage in any activities that could compromise its status as a non-profit organization.

13.4 Compliance with Laws and Regulations: The Block Foundation will carry out its activities in accordance with all relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The Foundation shall not carry out any activities not permitted by an organization exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws.

13.5 The Foundation will maintain a comprehensive compliance program to ensure adherence to these limitations. This program will include regular reviews of Foundation activities, training for trustees and staff, and procedures to address any potential non-compliance.

13.6 If any questions or uncertainties arise regarding the limitations placed on the Foundation's activities, the matter will be brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees. The Board will seek advice from legal counsel as needed and will make a decision in the best interest of the Foundation and in accordance with its legal and ethical obligations.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Date]



This is an open-source project by the Block Foundation.

The Block Foundation mission is enabling architects to take back initiative and contribute in solving the mismatch in housing through blockchain technology. Therefore the Block Foundation seeks to unschackle the traditional constraints and construct middle ground between rent and the rigidity of traditional mortgages.

website: www.blockfoundation.io

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