- 0
Complex number in Hamiltonian
#136 opened by cfengno1 - 1
Calculation of orbital entropies using MPS
#131 opened by tikimtikim - 2
Question: Is there Multistate NEVPT2 (or QDNEVPT2), MS-CASPT2 functionalities in block2 for PySCF interface?
#132 opened by JangidBhavnesh - 3
AMD AOCL-LAPACK (libflame) compatibility
#133 opened by ZuweiWang - 9
CPU usage on cluster
#129 opened by Shovan-Physics - 5
Intel MKL Error
#128 opened by Shovan-Physics - 5
nan values in two-orbital entropies
#127 opened by aakunitsa - 4
- 2
compilation error with complex mode and gcc14
#121 opened by h-larsson - 5
#120 opened by h-larsson - 2
Changing basis to my MPS/MPO implementation
#111 opened by dfelmanl - 4
Extracting observables
#114 opened by Shovan-Physics - 5
Wrong energy for large site csf
#113 opened by h-larsson - 4
Custom Hamiltonian with SU(2) symmetry
#110 opened by Shovan-Physics - 1
Huge walltime for miniscule CPU Time
#109 opened by HehnLukas - 2
Error transforming SU2 to SZ mps
#108 opened by ferupp - 5
segfault in `driver.get_csf_coefficients`
#106 opened by chillenb - 2
Orbital ordering with pyscf
#104 opened by HehnLukas - 1
pdm traces
#97 opened by mfdgroot - 12
onepdms for SOC calc
#95 opened by GuriTheoChem - 11
#72 opened by MihkuU - 3
- 2
driver.get_csf_coefficients outputs determinant coefficients inconsistent with FCI from pyscf
#93 opened by aakunitsa - 1
Question about mkl version
#91 opened by chillenb - 4
Segmentation fault with DMRG-SC-NEVPT2
#90 opened by alarese - 1
- 6
Energy floats as MaxM increases
#88 opened by white-in-black - 2
DDMRG in dmrgscf
#87 opened by JangidBhavnesh - 18
Is -DLARGE_BOND=ON always needed?
#81 opened by 1234zou - 2
- 4
Efficient way to run DMRG-FIC-MRCISD?
#80 opened by 1234zou - 3
- 2
#59 opened by sunchong137 - 2
- 6
- 2
Using SZ mode with complex number
#73 opened by henhans - 4
Orbital ordering in pyblock2
#71 opened by xsun21 - 4
block2-mpi installation on M1 Mac
#69 opened by KAtalar - 3
Loading of mps_info.bin sometimes fails
#67 opened by cvjjm - 4
Questions regarding inconsistent accuracy between pyblock2, dmrgscf, and block2main
#68 opened by henhans - 1
- 2
Integer overflow
#65 opened by mfdgroot - 1
How to get the MPS in the tensor form ?
#64 opened by Dulsinea - 2
- 11
- 9
- 2
infinite loop
#62 opened by mfdgroot - 9
Error importing block2
#60 opened by davidsousarj - 1
Available Spin-orbit formalism
#57 opened by JangidBhavnesh - 4
RASSCF in block2
#56 opened by JangidBhavnesh