
Telegram to Discord Message Bot — Forward Telegram Messages to Discord is a free and open source, telegram to discord message bot. It enables one to forward messages from Multiple Telegram channels to one (or more) Telegram/Discord channels of your own. This python bot monitors multiple telegram channels. When a new message/entity is sent, it will parse the response and forward it to a discord channel using your own personalized bot. It will also forward the same message to your own Telegram channel.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

  • JOIN Support & FAQ Discord 👉
As always, I took bits from an open source repo and rebranded it into a useful bot with detailed instructions.
Please star my repo if this contribution helped you ! Its FREEE !

Please Join Support & FAQ Discord if you have questions.

Telegram to Discord Message Bot — Forward Telegram Messages to Discord

  • This repo will soon be archived and won't be supported.
  • Advanced python users post your debug queries here :


Forwardgram is a free and open source, telegram to discord message bot. It enables one to forward messages from Multiple Telegram channels to one (or more) Telegram/Discord channels of your own. This python bot monitors multiple telegram channels. When a new message/entity is sent, it will parse the response and forward it to a discord channel using your own personalized bot. It will also forward the same message to your own Telegram channel.

Getting Started

  1. Create a github account. It always helps !
  2. Star this repository. Its FREE !
  3. Please follow me here if you like my contribution:


  1. Python 3.6+
  2. Anaconda Python Console (Optional, makes pip install debugging go away)
  3. Create you own discord bot, add it to your server and retrive token. Follow Steps here.
  4. Have a Telegram account with valid phone number

Installing and Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open your choice of console (or Anaconda console) and navigate to cloned folder
  3. Run Command: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Fill out a configuration file. An exmaple file can be found at config.yml-sample.

First Run and Usage

  1. Change the name of config.yml-sample to config.yml

Filling config.yml file

  • Create a two channels on Telegram as channel_send and channel_recieve and fill in their channel ids in config.yml
  • Add your Telegram api_id and api_hash to config.yml | Read more here
  • Add your discord_bot_token to config.yml | Read more here
  • Add your discord_1_channel channel id. Remember when you remove extra discord channels you have to update code in discord_messager.py under comment DISCORD SERVER START EVENT and MESSAGE SCREENER

Editing discord_messager.py

  • Whenever you add and delete discord channels in config.yml; discord_messager.py will have to be updated. If you know basic python you will understand the code.
  • Multiple send/recieve telegram channels in config.yml can added without any code change.
  1. Read the Version History and Changelog and below before running the script.

  2. Run the command python3 forwardgram.py config.yaml

***PLEASE NOTE:  In the first time initializing the script, you will be requried to validate your phone number using telegram API. This happens only at the first time (per session name).


  • Karan Kapuria
  • voidbar

Buy Me A Coffee

Version History and Changelog

  • 1.0 Initial Release
    • Shows SystemExit: None when discord messages are sent successfully. This is because we trigger discord_messager.py as subprocess when a new telegram message is sent in channel_send


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details