Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash protocols SPV wallet toolkit for Swift
Example project:
All features of the library are used in example project. It can be referred as a starting point for usage of the library.
HD Wallet
Generate new mnemonic words
let words = try? Mnemonic.generate(strength: .default, language: .english)
Validate words from user input
do {
try Mnemonic.validate(words: words)
} catch Mnemonic.ValidationError {
In order to work with a certain blockchain a WalletKit
instance should be created and retained:
let bitcoinWalletKit = WalletKit(withWords: words, networkType: .bitcoinMainNet)
let bitcoinCashWalletKit = WalletKit(withWords: words, networkType: .bitcoinCashMainNet)
Getting data from WalletKit
can return any required synced data for its blockchain:
let walletKit = WalletKit(withWords: words, networkType: .bitcoinMainNet)
let balance = walletKit.balance // balance in Sartoshis, e.g. 12500000 (0.125 BTC)
let progress = walletKit.progress // current sync progress, e.g. 0.25 (25%)
let lastBlockHeight = walletKit.lastBlockHeight // height of the last synced block, e.g. 523002
let receiveAddress = walletKit.receiveAddress // current receive address for wallet, e.g. mpiBoYpuaXwwUKxDnx6dg8LQNxSh39US9s
provides info about wallet related transactions in simple TransactionInfo
let walletKit = WalletKit(withWords: words, networkType: .bitcoinMainNet)
let transaction = walletKit.transactions.first
let hash = transaction.hash // hash of a tx in reversed hex form
let amount = transaction.amount // amount of coins transferred in tx (in Satoshis)
let blockHeight = transaction.blockHeight // height of the block that includes tx
let timestamp = transaction.timestamp // timestamp of the block (when the block was closed)
let fromAddresses = transaction.from // array of `TransactionAddress` structures
let toAddresses = transaction.to
let addressInfo = fromAddress.first
let address = addressInfo.address
let mine = addressInfo.mine // informs that address belong to wallet or not
Observing changes in blockchain
In order to be able to observe changes from WalletKit
the delegate can be set:
let walletKit = WalletKit(withWords: words, networkType: .bitcoinMainNet)
walletKit.delegate = delegate
The delegate
should implement BitcoinKitDelegate
class Delegate: BitcoinKitDelegate {
public func transactionsUpdated(walletKit: WalletKit, inserted: [TransactionInfo], updated: [TransactionInfo], deleted: [Int]) {
// notifies that transactions set was changed and provides changed data
public func balanceUpdated(walletKit: WalletKit, balance: Int) {
// notifies that balance of the wallet was updated
public func lastBlockHeightUpdated(walletKit: WalletKit, lastBlockHeight: Int) {
// notifies that last block height was changed
public func progressUpdated(walletKit: WalletKit, progress: Double) {
// notifies sync progress update