These Shell scripts are provided as a refence to illustate automation of Storage operations directly with Blockbridge as well as with Proxmox VE.
Add snapshot to tagged Blockbridge virtual disks:
* "-h" IP or hostname of Blockbridge node * "-t" parameter to specify a tag. All disks with this tag will be snapshotted. To assign a tag to disk from CLI:`bb disk update -d [disk-label] --tag snapSchedule` * "-d" Number of days to keep snapshots * "-a" Authorization token * "-p" Snapshot name Prefix
Example: -h bbhost -d 3 -a token -t snapSchedule
From your Blockbridge Controlplane shell create a new user in SYSTEM account which is only allowed to manage snapshots
bb auth login --user system bb user create --name snapmgmt --grant vss.manage_snapshots
Create a persistent authorization token that inherits user rights (note the generated token, it cannot be re-displayed):
bb authorization create --user snapmgmt@system --scope 'v:o=all v:r=manage_snapshots'
Add snapshot to tagged PVE virtual machines:
* -t <tag> Tag used to identify VMs that need snapshots (required) * -p <prefix> Prefix to append to snapshot label (default 'auto') * -c <count> Number of snapshots to maintain (default 2, max 16) * -d Prune snapshots as specified by (-c). Does not create new snapshots.
Example: -t autosnap -p autosnap -c 3
Take a snapshot of all PVE VMs that contain tag "autosnap". Keep at most 3 snapshots on each VM.