
A web crawling framework implemented in Golang, it is simple to write and delivers powerful performance. It comes with a wide range of practical middleware and supports various parsing and storage methods. Additionally, it supports distributed deployment. 基于golang实现的爬虫框架,编写简单,性能强劲。内置了丰富的实用中间件,支持多种解析、保存方式,支持分布式部署。

Primary LanguageGo


A web crawling framework implemented in Golang, it is simple to write and delivers powerful performance. It comes with a wide range of practical middleware and supports various parsing and storage methods. Additionally, it supports distributed deployment.





  • Simple to write, yet powerful in performance.
  • Built-in various practical middleware for easier development.
  • Supports multiple parsing methods for simpler page parsing.
  • Supports multiple storage methods for more flexible data storage.
  • Provides numerous configuration options for richer customization.
  • Allows customizations for components, providing more freedom for feature extensions.
  • Includes a built-in mock Server for convenient debugging and development.
  • It supports distributed deployment.


go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-crawler

# Currently, the framework is updated frequently. It's advisable to use the latest version, such as:
go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-crawler@latest
go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-crawler@0cfd21a


package main

import (

type Spider struct {
	logger pkg.Logger

// some spider funcs

func NewSpider(baseSpider pkg.Spider) (spider pkg.Spider, err error) {
	spider = &Spider{
		Spider: baseSpider,
		logger: baseSpider.GetLogger(),

func main() {
  • Basic Architecture

    • Spider: In the Spider, you can initiate requests and parse content. You need to set a unique name for each Spider.spider.WithOptions(pkg.WithName("example"))
    • BaseSpider: BaseSpider integrates components such as Spider, Downloader, Exporter, and Scheduler, serving as the processing center of the crawler.
    • Crawler:Within the Crawler, there can be multiple Spiders, and it manages the startup and shutdown of the Spiders.
  • Spider Options

    • WithName: Set a unique name for the spider.
    • WithHost: Set the host for filtering based on the host or to support robots.txt.
    • WithPlatforms: Set the browser platforms.
    • WithBrowsers: Set the browsers.
    • WithLogger: Set the logger.
    • WithFilter: Set the filter.
    • WithDownloader: Set the downloader.
    • WithExporter: Set the exporter.
    • WithMiddleware: Set middleware components.
    • WithStatsMiddleware: Set the statistics middleware to record and monitor the performance and runtime of the spider.
    • WithDumpMiddleware: Set the dump middleware to print requests or responses.
    • WithProxyMiddleware: Set the proxy middleware to use proxy servers for crawling.
    • WithRobotsTxtMiddleware: Set the middleware to enable robots.txt support, ensuring compliance with websites' robots.txt rules.
    • WithFilterMiddleware: Set the filter middleware to filter processed requests.
    • WithFileMiddleware: Set the file middleware to handle file download requests.
    • WithImageMiddleware: Set the image middleware to handle image download requests.
    • WithHttpMiddleware: Set the HTTP middleware.
    • WithRetryMiddleware: Set the retry middleware for automatic retries in case of request failures.
    • WithUrlMiddleware: Set the URL middleware.
    • WithReferrerMiddleware: Set the referrer middleware to automatically set the Referrer header for requests.
    • WithCookieMiddleware: Set the cookie middleware to handle cookies in requests and responses, automatically preserving cookies for subsequent requests.
    • WithRedirectMiddleware: Set the redirect middleware to automatically handle request redirections, following the redirect links to obtain the final response.
    • WithChromeMiddleware: Set the Chrome middleware to simulate the Chrome browser.
    • WithHttpAuthMiddleware: Enable the HTTP authentication middleware to handle websites that require authentication.
    • WithCompressMiddleware: Set the compress middleware to handle compression in requests and responses. When the crawler sends requests or receives responses, this middleware can automatically handle compression algorithms, decompressing the content of requests or responses.
    • WithDecodeMiddleware: Set the decode middleware to handle decoding operations in requests and responses. This middleware can handle encoding content in requests or responses.
    • WithDeviceMiddleware: Enable the device simulation middleware.
    • WithCustomMiddleware: Set the custom middleware, allowing users to define their own middleware components.
    • WithPipeline: Set the Pipeline to process the crawled data and perform subsequent operations.
    • WithDumpPipeline: Set the dump pipeline to print data to be saved.
    • WithFilePipeline: Set the file pipeline to handle crawled file data and save files to a specified location.
    • WithImagePipeline: Set the image pipeline to handle crawled image data and save images to a specified location.
    • WithFilterPipeline: Set the filter pipeline to filter crawled data.
    • WithCsvPipeline: Set the CSV data processing pipeline to save crawled data in CSV format.
    • WithJsonLinesPipeline: Set the JSON Lines data processing pipeline to save crawled data in JSON Lines format.
    • WithMongoPipeline: Set the MongoDB data processing pipeline to save crawled data to a MongoDB database.
    • WithMysqlPipeline: Set the MySQL data processing pipeline to save crawled data to a MySQL database.
    • WithKafkaPipeline: Set the Kafka data processing pipeline to send crawled data to a Kafka message queue.
    • WithCustomPipeline: Set the custom data processing pipeline.
    • WithRetryMaxTimes: Set the maximum number of retries for requests.
    • WithTimeout: Set the timeout for requests.
    • WithInterval: Set the interval between requests.
    • WithOkHttpCodes: Set the normal HTTP status codes.
  • Crawler Options

    • WithMockServerRoute Configure development service routes, including built-in or custom ones. You need to set mock_server.enable: true to enable the mock Server.
  • Item

    The Item is used to store data that needs to be exported and some other auxiliary information. The built-in Items in the framework cover major storage methods such as files, databases, and message queues. pkg.Item is an interface and cannot be used directly. pkg.ItemUnimplemented implements all methods of pkg.Item. If a custom Item needs to implement pkg.Item, it can be composed with pkg.ItemUnimplemented. For example:

    type ItemNone struct {
    • Item has some common methods:
      • Name() pkg.ItemName: Get the specific type of the Item, such as pkg.ItemNone, pkg.ItemCsv, pkg.ItemJsonl, pkg.ItemMongo, pkg.ItemMysql, pkg.ItemKafka, etc., which is used for deserializing the Item to the specific Item implementation.
      • SetReferrer(string): Set the referrer, which can be used to record the source of the request. Generally, there is no need to set it manually as it is automatically set by the ReferrerMiddleware.
      • Referrer() string: Get the referrer.
      • SetUniqueKey(string): Set the unique key, which can be used for filtering and other unique purposes.
      • UniqueKey() string: Get the unique key.
      • SetId(any): Set the ID, mainly used as the primary key when saving data. One difference from UniqueKey is that Id may be generated in the Response and may not be obtained when making the request.
      • Id() any: Get the ID.
      • SetData(any): Set the data, which is the complete data to be stored. For standardization, it is required to be a pointer type. When storing data in different destinations, the data needs to be set in different formats.
      • Data() any: Get the data.
      • SetFilesRequest([]pkg.Request): Set the requests for downloading files. This is a slice and can be used to download multiple files.
      • FilesRequest() []pkg.Request: Get the requests for downloading files.
      • SetFiles([]pkg.File): Set the downloaded files using this method.
      • Files() []pkg.File: Get the downloaded files.
      • SetImagesRequest([]pkg.Request): Set the requests for downloading images. This is a slice and can be used to download multiple images.
      • ImagesRequest() []pkg.Request: Get the requests for downloading images.
      • SetImages([]pkg.Image): Set the downloaded images using this method.
      • Images() []pkg.Image: Get the downloaded images.
    • Built-in Item Implementations: The framework provides some built-in Item implementations, such as pkg.ItemNone, pkg.ItemCsv, pkg.ItemJsonl, pkg.ItemMongo, pkg.ItemMysql, pkg.ItemKafka, etc. You can return an Item as needed and enable the corresponding Pipeline. For example:
      err = s.YieldItem(ctx, items.NewItemMongo(s.collection, true).
      • pkg.ItemNone: This Item does not implement any other methods and is mainly used for debugging.
        • items.NewItemNone()
      • pkg.ItemCsv: Saves data to a CSV file.
        • items.NewItemCsv(filename string): filename is the name of the file to be saved, without the extension.
      • pkg.ItemJsonl: Saves data to a JSONL file.
        • items.NewItemJsonl(filename string): filename is the name of the file to be saved, without the extension.
      • pkg.ItemMongo: Saves data to MongoDB.
        • items.NewItemMongo(collection string, update bool): collection is the MongoDB collection, and update indicates whether to update the data if it already exists in MongoDB.
      • pkg.ItemMysql: Saves data to MySQL.
        • items.NewItemMysql(table string, update bool): table is the MySQL table, and update indicates whether to update the data if it already exists in MySQL.
      • pkg.ItemKafka: Sends data to Kafka.
        • items.NewItemKafka(topic string): topic is the Kafka topic.
  • Middleware and Pipeline include built-in ones, commonly used custom ones (internal/middlewares, internal/pipelines), and custom ones defined within the spider's module. Please make sure that the order values for different middleware and pipelines are not duplicated. If there are duplicate order values, the later middleware or pipeline will replace the earlier ones.

  • Middleware

    In the framework, built-in middleware has pre-defined order values that are multiples of 10, such as 10, 20, 30, and so on. To avoid conflicts with the order values of built-in middleware, it is recommended to choose different order values when defining custom middleware.

    When customizing middleware, arrange them in the expected execution order based on their functionalities and requirements. Make sure that middleware with lower order values is executed first, followed by middleware with higher order values.

    Built-in middleware and custom middleware can use the default order values. If you need to change the default order value, include the pkg.WithMiddleware(new(middleware), order) option in the NewApp function to enable the middleware with the specified order value.

    The following are the built-in middleware with their respective order values:

    • custom: 10

      • Custom middleware.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithCustomMiddleware(new(CustomMiddleware)) option in the NewApp function.
    • dump: 20

      • Console dump middleware used for printing detailed information of item.data, including request and response details.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_dump_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithDumpMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • proxy: 30

      • Proxy switch middleware used for switching proxies for requests.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_proxy_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithProxyMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • robotsTxt: 40

      • Robots.txt support middleware for handling robots.txt files of websites.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_robots_txt_middleware option, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithRobotsTxtMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • filter: 50

      • Request deduplication middleware used for filtering duplicate requests. By default, items are added to the deduplication queue only after being successfully saved.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_filter_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithFilterMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • file: 60

      • Automatic file information addition middleware used for automatically adding file information to requests.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_file_middleware option, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithFileMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • image: 70

      • Automatic image information addition middleware used for automatically adding image information to requests.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_image_middleware option, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithImageMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • retry: 80

      • Request retry middleware used for retrying requests when they fail.
      • The default maximum number of retries is 10. You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_retry_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithRetryMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • url: 90

      • URL length limiting middleware used for limiting the length of requests' URLs.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware and set the maximum URL length by configuring the enable_url_middleware and url_length_limit options, respectively. Both options are enabled and set to 2083 by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithUrlMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • referrer: 100

      • Automatic referrer addition middleware used for automatically adding the referrer to requests.
      • You can choose different referrer policies based on the referrer_policy configuration option. DefaultReferrerPolicy includes the request source, while NoReferrerPolicy does not include the request source.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_referrer_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithReferrerMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • cookie: 110

      • Automatic cookie addition middleware used for automatically adding cookies returned from previous requests to subsequent requests.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_cookie_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithCookieMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • redirect: 120

      • Website redirection middleware used for handling URL redirection. By default, it supports 301 and 302 redirects.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware and set the maximum number of redirections by configuring the enable_redirect_middleware and redirect_max_times options, respectively. Both options are enabled and set to 1 by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithRedirectMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • chrome: 130

      • Chrome simulation middleware used for simulating a Chrome browser.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_chrome_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithChromeMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • httpAuth: 140

      • HTTP authentication middleware used for performing HTTP authentication by providing a username and password.
      • You need to set the username and password in the specific request. You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_http_auth_middleware option, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithHttpAuthMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • compress: 150

      • Gzip/deflate decompression middleware used for handling response compression encoding.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_compress_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithCompressMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • decode: 160

      • Chinese decoding middleware used for decoding responses with GBK, GB2312, and Big5 encodings.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_decode_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithDecodeMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • device: 170

      • Modify request device information middleware used for modifying the device information of requests, including request headers and TLS information. Currently, only User-Agent random switching is supported.
      • You need to set the device range (Platforms) and browser range (Browsers).
      • Platforms: Windows/Mac/Android/Iphone/Ipad/Linux
      • Browsers: Chrome/Edge/Safari/FireFox
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_device_middleware option, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithDeviceMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • http: 200

      • Create request middleware used for creating HTTP requests.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_http_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithHttpMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
    • stats: 210

      • Data statistics middleware used for collecting statistics on requests, responses, and processing in the spider.
      • You can control whether to enable this middleware by configuring the enable_stats_middleware option, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this middleware, include the pkg.WithStatsMiddleware() option in the NewApp function.
  • Pipeline

    Pipelines are used for stream processing of items, such as data filtering and data storage. By configuring different pipelines, you can conveniently process items and save the results to different targets, such as the console, files, databases, or message queues.

    Built-in pipelines and custom pipelines use the default order value. If you need to change the default order value, you can include the pkg.WithPipeline(new(pipeline), order) option in the NewApp function to enable the pipeline with the specified order value.

    The following are the built-in pipelines with their respective order values:

    • dump: 10

      • Used to print detailed information of items to the console.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_dump_pipeline, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithDumpPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • file: 20

      • Used to download files and save them to items.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_file_pipeline, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithFilePipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • image: 30

      • Used to download images and save them to items.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_image_pipeline, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithImagePipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • filter: 200

      • Used for item filtering.
      • It can be used for deduplicating requests when filter middleware is enabled.
      • By default, items are only added to the deduplication queue after they are successfully saved.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_filter_pipeline, which is enabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithFilterPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • csv: 101

      • Used to save results to CSV files.
      • You need to set the FileName in the ItemCsv, which specifies the name of the file to be saved (without the .csv extension).
      • You can use the tag column:"" to define the column names of the CSV file.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_csv_pipeline, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithCsvPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • jsonLines: 102

      • Used to save results to JSON Lines files.
      • You need to set the FileName in the ItemJsonl, which specifies the name of the file to be saved (without the .jsonl extension).
      • You can use the tag json:"" to define the fields of the JSON Lines file.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_json_lines_pipeline, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithJsonLinesPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • mongo: 103

      • Used to save results to MongoDB.
      • You need to set the Collection in the ItemMongo, which specifies the name of the collection to be saved.
      • You can use the tag bson:"" to define the fields of the MongoDB document.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_mongo_pipeline, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithMongoPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • mysql: 104

      • Used to save results to MySQL.
      • You need to set the Table in the ItemMysql, which specifies the name of the table to be saved.
      • You can use the tag column:"" to define the column names of the MySQL table.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_mysql_pipeline, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithMysqlPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • kafka: 105

      • Used to save results to Kafka.
      • You need to set the Topic in the ItemKafka, which specifies the name of the topic to be saved.
      • You can use the tag json:"" to define the fields of the Kafka message.
      • You can control whether to enable this pipeline by configuring enable_kafka_pipeline, which is disabled by default.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithKafkaPipeline() option in the NewApp function.
    • custom: 110

      • Custom pipeline.
      • To enable this pipeline, include the pkg.WithCustomPipeline(new(CustomPipeline)) option in the NewApp function.
  • Request

    • SetFingerprint(string) Request Many websites nowadays implement security measures based on SSL fingerprints. By setting this parameter, you can perform disguising. If the fingerprint is pkg.Browser, the framework will automatically select a suitable fingerprint for this browser. If the fingerprint is in the ja3 format, the framework will apply this SSL fingerprint. If the fingerprint is empty, the framework will choose based on the user-agent. Note that the framework will only make modifications when enable_ja3 = true, and it uses the default SSL configuration of the Go programming language.
    • SetClient(Client) Request Some websites might implement security measures based on browser fingerprints, or the requests might require complex simulation. In such cases, it's recommended to use a headless browser. By setting the Client to pkg.Browser, the framework will automatically enable a headless browser for processing.
    • SetAjax(bool) Request If you need to use a headless browser and the request is an AJAX request, please set this option to true. The framework will handle the request as an XHR (XMLHttpRequest) request. You may also need to set the referrer.
  • Response

    The Response wraps around http.Response and provides the following functionalities:

    • Xpath() (*xpath.Selector, error) MustXpath() *xpath.Selector Returns an XPath selector, for specific syntax, please refer to go-xpath.
    • Css() (*css.Selector, error) MustCss() *css.Selector Returns a CSS selector, for specific syntax, please refer to go-css.
    • Json() (*gson.Selector, error) MustJson() gjson.Result Returns a gjson selector, for specific syntax, please refer to go-json.
    • Re() (*re.Selector, error) MustRe() *re.Selector Returns a regular expression selector, for specific syntax, please refer to go-re.
    • AllLink() []*url.URL Retrieves all links from the response.
    • BodyText() string Retrieves the cleaned text content without HTML tags, the handling may be rough.
    • AbsoluteURL(relativeUrl string) (absoluteURL *url.URL, err error) Retrieves the absolute URL for a given relative URL.
  • Signals

    By using signals, it's possible to capture crawler events and perform certain actions. You need to register the func(pkg.Spider) method for the following signals:

    • SpiderOpened: Indicates the start of the spider. You can register it using RegisterSpiderOpened.
    • SpiderClosed: Indicates the end of the spider. You can register it using RegisterSpiderClosed.
  • Parsing

    The framework comes with several built-in parsing modules. You can choose the one that suits your specific spider's needs to extract the required data from web pages.

    • Css Selector: go-css is a library for handling css selectors. You can use the css selector syntax to extract data from HTML by calling the response.Css() method.
    • XPath Selector: go-xpath is a library for XPath selection. You can use XPath expressions to extract data from HTML by calling the response.Xpath() method.
    • GJSON Selector: go-json is a library for handling JSON. You can use the gjson syntax to extract data from JSON by calling the response.Json() method.
    • Regular Expression Selector: go-re is a library for handling regular expressions. You can use regular expressions to extract data from the response by calling the response.Re() method.
  • Proxy

    You can set up tunnel proxies by using tools like go-proxy to provide random proxy switching functionality, transparent to the caller. You can integrate these proxy tools into your spider framework to automatically switch proxies when making requests. The random switching tunnel proxy provides convenience and ease of use to the caller. In the future, other calling methods may be added, such as maintaining the original proxy address, to provide greater flexibility to meet different proxy requirements.

    • Proxy Configuration in Spider

      Currently, only random switching of proxies is supported in the spider configuration.

  • File and Image Downloads

    • If you want to save files to object storage like S3, you need to perform the corresponding configuration.
    • File Download
      • Set Files Requests in Item: In the Item, you need to set Files requests, which include a list of requests for downloading files. You can use the item.SetFilesRequest([]pkg.Request{...}) method to set the list of requests.
      • Item.data: Your Item.data field needs to implement a slice of pkg.File to store the downloaded file results. The name of this field must be "Files," for example: type DataFile struct { Files []*media.File }.
    • Image Download
      • Set Images Requests in Item: In the Item, you need to set Images requests, which include a list of requests for downloading images. You can use the item.SetImagesRequest([]pkg.Request{...}) method to set the list of requests.
      • Item.data: Your Item.data field needs to implement a slice of pkg.Image to store the downloaded image results. The name of this field must be "Images," for example: type DataImage struct { Images []*media.Image }.
  • Spider Structure

    It is recommended to have one spider for each website (or sub-website) or each specific business. You don't need to split it too finely, nor do you need to include all websites and businesses in one spider. You can package each spider separately or combine multiple spiders together to reduce the number of files. However, during execution, only one spider can be started.

    app.NewApp(NewExample1Spider, NewExample2Spider).Run()
  • Local MockServer

    To facilitate development and debugging, the framework comes with a built-in local MockServer that can be enabled by setting mock_server.enable: true in the configuration. By using the local MockServer, you can more easily simulate and observe network requests and responses, as well as handle custom route logic. This provides developers with a convenient tool to quickly locate and resolve issues.

    You can customize routes by implementing the pkg.Route interface and registering them with the MockServer in the spider by calling AddMockServerRoutes(...pkg.Route).

    • The MockServer supports both HTTP and HTTPS, and you can specify the MockServer's URL by setting the mock_server option. http://localhost:8081 represents using HTTP protocol, and https://localhost:8081 represents using HTTPS protocol.

    • By default, the MockServer displays JA3 fingerprints. JA3 is an algorithm used for TLS client fingerprinting, and it shows information about the TLS version and cipher suites used by the client when establishing a connection with the server.

    • You can use the tls tool to generate the server's private key and certificate for use with HTTPS in the MockServer. The tls tool can help you generate self-signed certificates for local development and testing environments.

    • The MockServer includes multiple built-in routes that provide rich functionalities to simulate various network scenarios and assist in development and debugging. You can choose the appropriate route based on your needs and configure it in the MockServer to simulate specific network responses and behaviors.

      • BadGatewayRoute: Simulates returning a 502 status code.
      • Big5Route: Simulates using the big5 encoding.
      • CookieRoute: Simulates returning cookies.
      • DeflateRoute: Simulates using Deflate compression.
      • FileRoute: Simulates outputting files.
      • Gb2312Route: Simulates using the gb2312 encoding.
      • Gb18030Route: Simulates using the gb18030 encoding.
      • GbkRoute: Simulates using the gbk encoding.
      • GzipRoute: Simulates using gzip compression.
      • HelloRoute: Prints the header and body information of the request.
      • HtmlRoute: simulates the return of HTML static files. You can place HTML files inside the /static/html/ directory for web parsing testing purposes, eliminating the need for redundant requests.
      • HttpAuthRoute: Simulates http-auth authentication.
      • InternalServerErrorRoute: Simulates returning a 500 status code.
      • OkRoute: Simulates normal output, returning a 200 status code.
      • RateLimiterRoute: Simulates rate limiting, currently based on all requests and not differentiated by users. Can be used in conjunction with HttpAuthRoute.
      • RedirectRoute: Simulates a 302 temporary redirect, requires enabling OkRoute simultaneously.
      • RobotsTxtRoute: Returns the robots.txt file.


By configuring environment variables or parameters, you can start the crawler more flexibly, including selecting the configuration file, specifying the spider's name, defining the initial method, passing additional parameters, and setting the startup mode.

spider -c example.yml -n example -f TestOk -m once
  • Configuration file path, must be configured. It is recommended to use different configuration files for different environments.
    • Environment variable CRAWLER_CONFIG_FILE
    • Startup parameter -c
  • Spider name, must be configured.
    • Environment variable CRAWLER_SPIDER_NAME
    • Startup parameter -n
  • Initial method, default is "Test". Please note that the case must be consistent.
    • Environment variable CRAWLER_SPIDER_FUNC
    • Startup parameter -f
  • Additional parameters, this parameter is optional. It is recommended to use a JSON string. The parameters will be passed to the initial method.
    • Environment variable CRAWLER_SPIDER_ARGS
    • Startup parameter -a
  • Startup mode, default is "manual". You can use different modes as needed
    • Environment variable CRAWLER_SPIDER_MODE
    • Startup parameter -m
    • You can use different modes as needed:
    • Optional values
      • manual: Executes manually (default is no execution); can be managed through the API.
      • loop: Executes repeatedly.
      • once: Executes only once.
      • cron: Executes at scheduled intervals.
  • Scheduled task. This configuration is only applied when the mode is set to "cron", such as "1s/2i/3h/4d/5m/6w"
    • Environment variable CRAWLER_SPIDER_SPEC
    • Startup parameter -s


In the configuration file, you can set global configurations that apply to all spiders. However, some configurations can be modified and overridden in individual spiders or specific requests. The configuration file needs to be specified at startup using environment variables or parameters. Here are the configuration parameters:

  • env: dev. In the dev environment, data will not be written to the database.
  • bot_name: crawler Project Name

Database Configuration:

  • mongo_enable: Whether to enable MongoDB.
  • mongo.example.uri: MongoDB URI.
  • mongo.example.database: MongoDB database name.
  • mysql_enable: Whether to enable MySQL.
  • mysql.example.uri: MySQL URI.
  • mysql.example.database: MySQL database name.
  • redis_enable: Whether to enable Redis.
  • redis.example.addr: Redis address.
  • redis.example.password: Redis password.
  • redis.example.db: Redis database number.
  • s3_enable: Whether to enable S3 object storage (e.g., COS, OSS, MinIO, etc.).
  • s3.example.endpoint: S3 endpoint.
  • s3.example.region: S3 region.
  • s3.example.id: S3 access ID.
  • s3.example.key: S3 access key.
  • s3.example.bucket: S3 bucket name.
  • kafka_enable: Whether to enable Kafka.
  • kafka.example.uri: Kafka URI.

Log Configuration:

  • log.filename: Log file path. You can use "{name}" to replace it with a parameter from -ldflags.

  • log.long_file: If set to true (default), it logs the full file path.

  • log.level: Log level, options are DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR.

  • mock_server: Mock Server

    • enable: false: Whether to enable the mock Server.
    • host: https://localhost:8081: The address of the mock Server.
    • client_auth: 0 Client authentication type, 0 means no authentication.

Middleware and Pipeline Configuration:

  • enable_stats_middleware: Whether to enable the statistics middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_dump_middleware: Whether to enable the dump middleware for printing requests and responses, enabled by default.
  • enable_filter_middleware: Whether to enable the filter middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_file_middleware: Whether to enable the file handling middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_image_middleware: Whether to enable the image handling middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_http_middleware: Whether to enable the HTTP request middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_retry_middleware: Whether to enable the request retry middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_referrer_middleware: Whether to enable the Referrer middleware, enabled by default.
  • referrer_policy: Set the Referrer policy, options are DefaultReferrerPolicy (default) and NoReferrerPolicy.
  • enable_http_auth_middleware: Whether to enable the HTTP authentication middleware, disabled by default.
  • enable_cookie_middleware: Whether to enable the Cookie middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_url_middleware: Whether to enable the URL length limiting middleware, enabled by default.
  • url_length_limit: Maximum length limit for URLs, default is 2083.
  • enable_compress_middleware: Whether to enable the response decompression middleware (gzip, deflate), enabled by default.
  • enable_decode_middleware: Whether to enable the Chinese decoding middleware (GBK, GB2312, Big5 encodings), enabled by default.
  • enable_redirect_middleware: Whether to enable the redirect middleware, enabled by default.
  • redirect_max_times: Maximum number of times to follow redirects, default is 10.
  • enable_chrome_middleware: Whether to enable the Chrome simulation middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_device_middleware: Whether to enable the device simulation middleware, disabled by default.
  • enable_proxy_middleware: Whether to enable the proxy middleware, enabled by default.
  • enable_robots_txt_middleware: Whether to enable the robots.txt support middleware, disabled by default.
  • enable_dump_pipeline: Whether to enable the print item pipeline, enabled by default.
  • enable_file_pipeline: Whether to enable the file download pipeline, enabled by default.
  • enable_image_pipeline: Whether to enable the image download pipeline, enabled by default.
  • enable_filter_pipeline: Whether to enable the filter pipeline, enabled by default.
  • enable_csv_pipeline: Whether to enable the CSV pipeline, disabled by default.
  • enable_json_lines_pipeline: Whether to enable the JSON Lines pipeline, disabled by default.
  • enable_mongo_pipeline: Whether to enable the MongoDB pipeline, disabled by default.
  • enable_mysql_pipeline: Whether to enable the MySQL pipeline, disabled by default.
  • enable_kafka_pipeline: Whether to enable the Kafka pipeline, disabled by default.
  • enable_priority_queue: Whether to enable the priority queue, enabled by default, currently only supports Redis.

Other Configurations:

  • proxy.example: Proxy configuration.
  • request.concurrency: Number of concurrent requests.
  • request.interval: Request interval time in milliseconds. Default is 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
  • request.timeout: Request timeout in seconds. Default is 60 seconds (1 minute).
  • request.ok_http_codes: Normal HTTP status codes for requests.
  • request.retry_max_times: Maximum number of retries for requests. Default is 10.
  • request.http_proto: HTTP protocol for requests. Default is 2.0.
  • enable_ja3: Whether to modify/print JA3 fingerprints. Default is disabled.
  • scheduler: Scheduler method. Default is memory (memory-based scheduling). Options are memory, redis, kafka. Selecting redis or kafka enables cluster scheduling.
  • filter: Filter method. Default is memory (memory-based filtering). Options are memory, redis. Selecting redis enables cluster filtering.

Web Page Parsing Based on Field Tags

In this framework, the returned data is a struct. We only need to add parsing rule tags to the fields, and the framework will automatically perform web page parsing, making it appear very clean and concise.

For some simple web scraping tasks, this approach is more convenient and efficient. Especially when you need to create a large number of generic web scrapers, you can directly configure these tags for parsing.

For example:

type DataRanks struct {
Data []struct {
Name           string  `_json:"name"`
FullName       string  `_json:"fullname"`
Code           string  `_json:"code"`
MarketBalue    int     `_json:"market_value"`
MarketValueUsd int     `_json:"market_value_usd"`
Marketcap      int     `_json:"marketcap"`
Turnoverrate   float32 `_json:"turnoverrate"`
} `_json:"data"`

You can set the root parsing for data as _json:"data", meaning that the fields inside it are all parsed under the root. For example, _json:"name".

You can mix and match root and sub-tags, for instance, use XPath for the root and JSON for the sub-tags.

You can use the following tags:

  • _json:"" for gjson format
  • _xpath:"" for XPath format
  • _css:"" for CSS format
  • _re:"" for regular expression (regex) format

Some Question

  • In some frameworks, there is a presence of start_urls. How is it set up in this framework?

    In this framework, this approach has been removed. It's possible to explicitly create requests within the initial method and perform additional processing on those requests, which can actually be more convenient.

    startUrls := []string{"/a.html", "/b.html"}
    for _, v:=range startUrls {
    	if err = s.YieldRequest(ctx, request.NewRequest().
            SetUrl(fmt.Sprintf("https://a.com%s", v)).
            SetCallBack(s.Parse)); err != nil {
  • What are the ways to improve spider performance?

    To improve the performance of the spider, you can consider disabling some unused middleware or pipelines to reduce unnecessary processing and resource consumption. Before disabling any middleware or pipeline, please assess its actual impact on the spider's performance. Ensure that disabling any part will not have a negative impact on the functionality.

  • Why isn't item implemented as a distributed queue?

    The crawler processes its own items, and there is no need to handle items from other crawlers. Therefore, while the framework has reserved the architecture for distributed queues, it does not use external queues to replace the in-memory queue used by the program. If there are performance issues with processing, it is recommended to output the results to a queue.

  • How to Set the Request Priority?

    Priorities are allowed to range from 0 to 2147483647. Priority 0 is the highest and will be processed first. Currently, only Redis-based priority queues are supported.

  • When will the crawler end?

    The crawler will end and the program will close when the following conditions are met under normal circumstances:

    1. All requests and parsing methods have been executed.
    2. The item queue is empty.
    3. The request queue is empty.

    When these conditions are fulfilled, the crawler has completed its tasks and will terminate.

  • How to prevent the spider from stopping?

    Simply return pkg.DontStopErr in the Stop method.

    package main
    import "github.com/lizongying/go-crawler/pkg"
    func (s *Spider) Stop(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
        if err = s.Spider.Stop(ctx); err != nil {
        err = pkg.DontStopErr
  • Which should be used in the task queue: request, extra, or unique_key?

    Firstly, it should be noted that these three terms are concepts within this framework:

    • request contains all the fields of a request, including URL, method, headers, and may have undergone middleware processing. The drawback is that it occupies more space, making it somewhat wasteful as a queue value.
    • extra is a structured field within the request and, in the framework's design, it contains information that can construct a unique request (in most cases). For instance, a list page under a category may include the category ID and page number. Similarly, a detail page may include a detail ID. To ensure compatibility with various languages, the storage format in the queue is JSON, which is more space-efficient. It's recommended to use this option.
    • unique_key is a unique identifier for a request within the framework and is a string. While it can represent uniqueness in some cases, it can become cumbersome when requiring a combination of multiple fields to be unique – such as in the case of list pages or detail pages involving both a category and an ID. If memory is constrained ( e.g., in Redis usage), it can be used. However, for greater generality, using extra might be more convenient.


    • YieldExtra or MustYieldExtra


    • GetExtra or MustGetExtra
  • Whether to use Must[method], such as MustYieldRequest?

    Must[method] is more concise, but it might be less convenient for troubleshooting errors. Whether to use it depends on the individual style of the user. If there's a need for specific error handling, then regular methods like YieldRequest should be used.

Complete example


package main

import (

type ExtraOk struct {
	Count int

type DataOk struct {
	Count int

type Spider struct {
	logger pkg.Logger

func (s *Spider) ParseOk(ctx pkg.Context, response pkg.Response) (err error) {
	var extra ExtraOk
	if err = response.UnmarshalExtra(&extra); err != nil {

	if err = s.YieldItem(ctx, items.NewItemNone().
			Count: extra.Count,
		})); err != nil {

	if extra.Count > 0 {
		s.logger.Info("manual stop")

	if err = s.YieldRequest(ctx, request.NewRequest().
			Count: extra.Count + 1,
		SetCallBack(s.ParseOk)); err != nil {

func (s *Spider) TestOk(ctx pkg.Context, _ string) (err error) {
	if err = s.YieldRequest(ctx, request.NewRequest().
		SetUrl(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", s.GetHost(), mockServer.UrlOk)).
		SetCallBack(s.ParseOk)); err != nil {

func NewSpider(baseSpider pkg.Spider) (spider pkg.Spider, err error) {
	spider = &Spider{
		Spider: baseSpider,
		logger: baseSpider.GetLogger(),

func main() {


package main

import (

type ExtraOk struct {
	Count int

type DataOk struct {
	Count int

type Spider struct {
	logger pkg.Logger

func (s *Spider) ParseOk(ctx pkg.Context, response pkg.Response) (err error) {
	var extra ExtraOk

	s.MustYieldItem(ctx, items.NewItemNone().
			Count: extra.Count,

	if extra.Count > 0 {
		s.logger.Info("manual stop")

	s.MustYieldRequest(ctx, request.NewRequest().
			Count: extra.Count + 1,

func (s *Spider) TestOk(ctx pkg.Context, _ string) (err error) {
	s.MustYieldRequest(ctx, request.NewRequest().
		SetUrl(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", s.GetHost(), mockServer.UrlOk)).

func NewSpider(baseSpider pkg.Spider) (spider pkg.Spider, err error) {
	spider = &Spider{
		Spider: baseSpider,
		logger: baseSpider.GetLogger(),

func main() {
go run exampleSpider.go -c example.yml -n example -f TestOk -m once

For more examples, you can refer to the following project.


git clone github.com/lizongying/go-crawler-example


  • AutoThrottle
  • monitor
  • statistics
go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-css@latest
go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-xpath@latest
go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-re@latest
go get -u github.com/lizongying/go-json@latest

Docker build

docker build -f ./cmd/testSpider/Dockerfile -t go-crawler/test-spider:latest . 
docker run -d go-crawler/test-spider:latest spider -c example.yml -f TestRedirect -m once

Feature Support Summary

  • Parsing supports CSS, XPath, Regex, and JSON.
  • Output supports JSON, CSV, MongoDB, MySQL, and Kafka.
  • Supports Chinese decoding for gb2312, gb18030, gbk, big5 character encodings.
  • Supports distributed processing.
  • Supports Redis and Kafka as message queues.
  • Supports automatic handling of cookies and redirects.
  • Browser simulation is supported.
  • Mock server is supported.
  • Priority queue is supported.
  • Supports scheduled tasks, recurring tasks, and one-time tasks.
  1. Parsing:

    • CSS: Supported
    • XPath: Supported
    • Regex: Supported
    • JSON: Supported
  2. Output:

    • JSON: Supported
    • CSV: Supported
    • MongoDB: Supported
    • MySQL: Supported
    • Kafka: Supported
  3. Chinese Decoding:

    • gb2312: Supported
    • gb18030: Supported
    • gbk: Supported
    • big5: Supported
  4. Distributed Processing: Supported

  5. Message Queues:

    • Redis: Supported
    • Kafka: Supported
  6. Automatic Handling:

    • Cookies: Supported
    • Redirects: Supported
  7. Mock Server:

  8. DNS Cache

Generate Certificate

# CA-Signed Certificate

# Self-Signed Certificate
./releases/tls -s

