
Tron SmartContracts of BLOCKLORDS.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blocklords (https://blocklords.io) SmartContract on Tron Blockchain.

Instructions :

  1. Install TronLink chrome extension in browser.
  2. Install TronBox for Node.js. It needs to compile and deploy SmartContract.
$ npm install -g tronbox
  1. (OPTIONAL) Install tronweb for Node.js. It needs to test the SmartContract.
$ npm install -g tronweb
  1. Add Private key to tronbox.js from shasta test network account of TronLink.
  2. Compile and Deploy the SmartContract
$ tronbox compile --compile-all
$ tronbox migrate --reset --network shasta

Structure of Project

This is a SmartContract Deploying environment based on CodeXpert Tron (TRX) DApp Tutorial Template.

tronbox.js script – settings to deploy the SmartContract on Tron Blockchain. Checkout the documentation of TronBox to see different available options.

contracts directory – source codes of SmartContracts in Solidity Programming Langauge.

test directory – scripts to check the SmartContract functions (Need to develop this section, it should be empty for now).

build\contracts directory – Smartcontract Files from output of TronBox compilation.


This section is under development