
LNDR mobile app in React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Note: this file is over 50 lines long because it contains a lot of relevant information in one place.

Code Standards

  • all code is in TypeScript, using .tsx for files containing jsx, or .ts for those without
  • no semicolons
  • 2 spaces
  • newline at end of file (check your editor settings)
  • trim whitespace on save (check your editor settings)
  • keep code in appropriate packages under packages/<package>
  • discuss with team before adding a new package
  • only use third-party libraries when absolutely required
  • no hardcoded text in the app, belongs in packages/language/<language>
  • no style outside of packages/theme/default (we may add themes later)
  • for the most part, files should be called index.ts with any dependencies in ./lib/<function-name>.ts
  • all snake-case directory names and file names, leads to less issues
  • code under ui should generally begin with import React, { Component } from 'react' to avoid linter errors for React
  • ui components generally look like export default class ComponentName extends Component<Props, State>


Note: to import from a package see .babelrc and tsconfig.json for package name rewrites. Important: no relative imports starting with ../ - in other words never assume what's above you in the file tree - you must be able to move folders around without consequence.

Note: TypeScript code is compiled into lib top level directory.

  • credit-protocol contains the client library to connect to BlockMason's credit-protocol server.

    • i.e. import { CreditProtocolClient } from 'credit-protocol'
  • language contains all text strings and functions used to generate text.

    • i.e. import language from 'language'; const { privacyPolicy, pendingTransactionsLanguage } = language
  • lndr/* is the core application logic and should have zero references to react or any other ui.

    • i.e. import LNDR from 'lndr'
  • theme/* contains all stylesheets.

    • i.e. import style from 'theme/button'
  • ui/* is the react-native user interface.

    • i.e. import App from 'ui/app'


Installation and Initialization

Copy, rename, and update the files android/app/src/main/assets/airshipconfig.properties.example and ios/AirshipConfig.plist.example with the proper UrbanAirship API key and secret from the Blockmason account on urbanairship.com

Log in to Firebase (https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/lndr-english/settings/general/android:com.lndr) and download the google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist files and add them to the android and ios folders.

  • Ensure that CocoaPods and Yarn are both installed (sudo gem install cocoapods and brew install yarn)
  • yarn (this installs the packages)
  • Fill in the .env.example with the proper information and save as .env. (info is in airshipconfig.properties or AirshipConfig.plist)
  • yarn run setup:env
  • (in new terminal) yarn run typescript
  • (in new terminal) yarn start

... on iOS

  • Put GoogleService-Info.plist in ios/

  • Put AirshipConfig.plist in ios/

  • Put PayPalConfig.plist in ios/

  • Run cd ios && pod install && cd ..

  • react-native run-ios

... on Android

Setting up ANDROID_HOME env variable

export ANDROID_HOME=/<SDK installation location> export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools source ~/.bash_profile

will be found in android studio (if installed) in Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Android SDK

Config files

  • Put google-services.json in android/app/
  • Put gradle.properties in android/
  • Put airshipconfig.properties in android/app/src/main/assets/
  • Put paypalconfig.properties in android/app/src/main/assets/

Running Android

  • Run react-native run-android

... Logging apps

In new tabs

  • react-native log-ios
  • react-native log-android
  • Download and start React Native Debugger, then select 'Debug Remotely' from the simulator/emulator

Building Android APK for Debug

  • in separate terminal sessions, run yarn start and yarn run typescript
  • react-native run-android
  • react-native bundle --dev false --platform android --entry-file index.android.js --bundle-output ./android/app/build/intermediates/assets/debug/index.android.bundle --assets-dest ./android/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug
  • cd android
  • ./gradlew assembleDebug


This project uses (Jest)[http://jestjs.io/docs/en/tutorial-react-native.html], which is the preferred testing framework for React Native.

Tests are stored in the top-level "tests" folder which mimics the structure of the "packages" folder.

To run tests type yarn test

To create a new snapshot after changing a .tsx file, run jest -u



XCode 10.0 or higher is required, which in turn requires macOS Sierra (10.12) or higher.

Private keys to sign the build: ios_dist_bm.p12 for iOS and blockmason-lndr-android.keystore for Android

Building & Signing the Android APK for Google Play

  1. Get the gradle.properties file with the keystore passwords and put it in the 'android' directory.

  2. Get the blockmason-lndr-android.keystore file and put it in the 'android/app' directory.

  3. Run 'cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease' from the top-level directory.

  4. The signed APK will be at 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk'

  5. Upload the APK to the Play Store

Building, Signing, & Uploading for iOS through XCode

  1. Navigate to directory ios/

  2. Run sudo gem install cocoapods

  3. Run pod install

  4. Open XCode, click Open another project... at bottom right, go to the directory ios/ , select LNDR.xcworkspace

  5. Open the directory structure in the left side menu, go into LNDR, open Info.plist, click App Transport Security Settings, then Exception Domains, and delete localhost entry

  6. In top menu go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme (LNDR scheme should be selected), in Run > Info change the Build Configuration to 'Release'

  7. Run the command Product > Clean (command + shift + K), then Product > Build (command + B)

  8. Once the build finishes, run Product > Archive

  9. Click 'Upload to App Store' on the right side, and follow steps to upload.

Building Production Android APK for Distribution

  • in separate terminal sessions, run yarn start and yarn run typescript
  • ./build-android.sh