
A RSpec instrumentation component

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

RSpec instrumentation

RSpec instrumentation component to measure performances, profile and monitor the test suite using an external service.

DISCLAIMER: this is an initial version, major changes will probably happens in the first releases

Support for:

  • New Relic
  • Sentry APM (partial for now)

Setup the gem, execute the test suite, check the results in the service interface.


  • Add to the Gemfile (in the test group): gem 'rspec-instrumentation'
  • Follow the specific instructions below per service

New Relic

  • Configure New Relic on your application (also adding the gem 'newrelic_rpm' to the Gemfile)
  • Add an initializer in your app (config/initializers/new_relic.rb) with:
RSpecInstrumentation::NewRelic.setup if Rails.env.test?
  • Add to your rails_helper.rb (or spec_helper.rb):
# It's better to put in at the end, after the other configuration options
RSpec.configure do |config|
  RSpecInstrumentation::RSpec.setup(config, service: :new_relic)
  • If you are using VCR, depending on your configuration you could need also to permit external requests to the New Relic service, example:
VCR.configure do |config|
  config.ignore_hosts 'collector-001.eu01.nr-data.net' # the host could be different for your account

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The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT.