EOSIO Contract Template
A template repository for EOSIO contracts.
To begin, navigate to the project directory: eosio-contract-template/
cd contracts && mkdir build && mkdir build/example
chmod +x build.sh
chmod +x deploy.sh
./build.sh example
./deploy.sh example { mainnet | testnet | local }
Example Contract
An example contract has been provided for reference. It allows an account to create, update, or delete a simple message saved on the blockchain.
Create Message
Creates the account's message and saves it.
cleos push action exampleacct1 createmsg '["exampleacct1", "yee haw"]' -p exampleacct1
Update Message
Finds the account's message and overwrrites it with the new message.
cleos push action exampleacct1 updatemsg '["exampleacct1", "howdy partner"]' -p exampleacct1
Delete Message
Finds the account's message and deletes it.
cleos push action exampleacct1 deletemsg '["exampleacct1"]' -p exampleacct1