
Standard email templates based on hundreds of real-world emails, including newsletters, on-boarding emails, announcements, events, products, orders, and notifications.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Starter Email Components

HTML design system of standard email templates based on hundreds of real-world emails

Templates include newsletters, on-boarding emails, announcements, events, products, orders, and notifications. Plus, common design patterns that can be reused in various emails.


  • 10 standard template layouts
  • 15 common components
  • Stackable and standalone elements
  • Responsive across screen sizes
  • Dark mode compatibility
  • Semantic code, optimized for accessibility
  • Blocks Edit ready for drag and drop editing

Email clients tested

  • Gmail (and Android)
  • Apple Mail
  • Microsoft Outlook (and Windows)
  • Yahoo! Mail (and AOL)

Template layouts included

Click to see real-world examples of each email type:

Components included

Intro/Hero, Callout, Information listing, Product listing, Short info listing, Calendar listing, Receipt, Status, Booking details, Message, Product, Survey, Profile card, Two-column, Three-column

This theme has been put together by the Blocks Edit team. Blocks Edit makes any HTML template editable in a visual editor. So you can setup your own design for your team to build and edit email campaigns or landing pages on their own.