
my VIM configurations on an Ubuntu system

Primary LanguageVimL

myVIM : This is My VIM configurations on an Ubuntu Linux system


  • MyVIM configuration found at http://github.com/jamin4jc/myvim
  • Benjamin Wagaman
  • ben@wagaman.org
  • Special thanks to Chad Humphries. His bringing-vim-to-the-people configuration set was the inspiration that helped me realize how awesome VIM could be. It was also a basis of research for this configuration set.

What’s included?



Installation Instructions (Given this project is in some_dir)

Run the following script


Further Instructions and Dependencies

sudo apt-get install

  • curl
  • exuberant-ctags
  • git-core
  • vim-gnome


On Installing Command-T, I was getting an error compiling:
error: ‘for’ loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode

See http://amix.dk/blog/post/19501

See Command-T documents on full notes on compiling extensions for Command-T