RAVPower RP-WD009 MCU Utility

The RAVPower RP-WD009 has a communication interface to the power management IC via the MT7628 I2C bus.

The power management controller is located at address 0x0a.


Read Device Status (0x01)

Reads the status of a requested Shutdown. BIT 2 indicates low temperature - Code isn't clear on this (I do not want to freeze my device) BIT 3 indivates high temperature BIT 5 indicates low voltage BIT 6 indicates charging BIT 7 indicates a requested shutdown.

Send Shutdown (0x03)

Powers down MCU and CPU. Only works when called after or prior to Power LED (0x61). Returns 0x0

Send Powerdown (0x05)

Does nothing (?)

Read Battery Capacity (0x10)

Reads the Battery Capacity. Returns Values 0 - 100 as unsigned 8-bit integer.

Disable Poweroff Key (0x40)

Will enable an interrupt (change to HIGH) on GPIO39. Indicates the Power button is pressed for 3 seconds. Returns 0x42.

Enabled Poweroff Key (0x41)

Returns 0x43

Restart (0x60)

Resets the CPU.

Power LED (0x61)

Blinks the Power LED. Return 0x0