- 2
Keep getting Error reloading accounts: FetchError: request to rpc failed, reason: socket hang up, for all subsequent refreshAccounts method call
#28 opened by anishsamant - 1
Error about 'data' of 'object null' as it is null
#24 opened by jmarrr - 0
Error liquidating account: TypeError: Cannot read property 'readUIntLE' of undefined
#29 opened by Mzsd - 3
Failed to liquidate account error, this.connection.getLatestBlockhash is not a function
#25 opened by yongyi520 - 0
Question: Advanced orders handling in the code
#27 opened by yongyi520 - 0
Some error questions
#23 opened by hanhan0427 - 1
Error Question
#15 opened by teehanming - 5
Issue with liquidations
#8 opened by krazzarkov - 5
Cannot Push this onto Heroku
#6 opened by Nabildexter - 3
Potential Bug in Liquidate Spot
#5 opened by buffalu - 2
Consistent Transaction Errors
#7 opened by derekmi - 0
Issues with connecting to Mango
#4 opened by robbestad - 1
out of memory error
#1 opened by Gsuz