
A Vue.js connector to Django REST Framework (DRF) using vue-resource

Primary LanguageVue


A Vue.js connector to Django REST Framework (DRF) using vue-resource

Work in progress / Disclaimer

This package is not yet production ready and my first npm package, so it will probably not work for others out of the box.


install with npm: npm i -S asmaps/vue-drf

Install in Vue (e.g. in main.js):

import VueDrf from 'vue-drf'



The plugin is written in ES6, so you will need babel to compile. It also uses the .vue component notation which is used as default in the vue-webpack template.



Displays a model with editable fields from DRF. Uses an OPTIONS-request to dertermine fields and their properties (read_only, type, etc). Use a HyperlinkedModelSerializer on the django side, because vue-drf relies on the url field.

Non-readonly fields are clickable and change to an appropriate input field (uses vue-formular) to be edited.

The url field will automatically be displayed as a link.

Example code


export default {
  data () {
    data: {}
  ready () {
    // or use the Resources stuff
    this.$http.get('https://your.drf-api.example.org/model/1/').then((response) => {
      this.data = response.data


<drf-editable-model v-if="data" :data="data"></drf-editable-model>

Accepts an optional fields property which should be a list of field names to display. If not given displays all fields in order from API. Use to only display a subset or specify the order of your fields.

<drf-editable-model :data="data" :fields="['id', 'created', 'name', 'url']"></drf-editable-model>


drf-editable-model dispatches an event drf.model-changed when the model data changed and has been saved to the API. Contains the new object as payload.