
Server-client bridge for Blok

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

Blok Bridge

Server-only functions for Blok.


Apis are just normal Blok Contexts. They can be used as resources:

class SomeComponent extends Component {
  @:resource final foo:Foo = FooApi.from(this).getFoo(1);

  // etc.

@todo: More on this once things stabilize.


Note: this is mostly speculative for now.

Islands must be used inside an Archipelago component (that's me being cute with naming). On the server, the Archipelago is just a standard component that renders its children. On the client, the Archipelago will instead load all the IslandComponents it can find in the given packages and hydrate them. This ensures that those components will still have access to any parent contexts.

function main() {
  // Depending on the mode, `Bridge.mount` will create static
  // HTML, mount to the DOM, or mount to an empty node to allow 
  // the Archipelago to hydrate the registered Islands.
    new FooApi()
  ], _ -> Archipelago.wrap(
    // A list of packages to scan for Islands.
    [my.islands, other.islands],
    // The child to render on the server. Note: `wrap` is a macro,
    // so this code will simply be removed on the client side.
      my.islands.SomeIsland.node({ foo: 'bar' })