
Blondie Flow SDK built for Android based mobile applications

Primary LanguageJava

Blondie SDK

Get started on integrating the Blondie into your native Android app through these guides:


Install Blondie to perform automations right from your Android app.

Step 1 - Install Blondie SDK

Before you start, you need to make sure you have an access to the Blondie. If you are using Gradle, add the following to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // B Maven dependepcies
        flatDir {
            dirs '../libs'
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
        maven { url "https://blondie-inc.bintray.com/maven/" }

implementation 'com.blondie-inc:sdk:0.0.6'

Also you need added naxt permissions to AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Step 2 - Initialize Blondie

First, you'll need to get your Blondie Flow ID and an API key. To find these, just add an SDK trigger to your Blondie Flow.

Then initialize Blondie SDK by importing Library and adding the following to your application delegate:

import com.blondie.sdk.Blondie;
public class GlobalApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

        Blondie.setApiKey("<Your JWT API Key>");


Here’s how to configure Blondie for Android:

Select an environment

You can select the Blondie Flow environment to use. It is very handy when you need to test a particular feature before rolling out to production.

By default we select production environment, but you can always change it by calling one of:


Use a custom Blondie Flow instance

In order to integrate Blondie SDK with a custom Blondie Flow instance you can set the base url by calling:


Disable offline mode

By default Blondie SDK works both in both online and offline mode. In order to work without an internet connection, Blondie SDK keeps a queue of events to sync when the connection becomes available again.

You can disable that behaviour by calling:


Disable auto retries

By default Blondie SDK performs automatic retries if an error occurs during a request to the Blondie Flow, so that you don't need to worry about missing an event.

You can disable that behaviour by calling:


Tracking events

You can log events in Blondie that record what users do in your app and when they do it. For example, you could record the data a user submitted in your mobile app, and when they submitted it.

import com.blondie.sdk.Blondie;
import com.blondie.sdk.BlondieEvent;
BlondieEvent event = new BlondieEvent("Short Form Submitted");
event.set("amount", 1234);
event.set("customer.phone", "+3712654321");
event.set("customer.email", "demo@example.com");

Upload new version maven

  1. You have made new changes to your build.
  2. Open file blondie-android-sdk/sdk/build.properties
  3. Increase versionCode and versionName
  4. In terminal (Android Studio) execute the command - ./gradlew :sdk:bintrayUpload

Create new maven account

  1. Go to bintray home page
  2. In field "Owned Repositories" choose "Add New Repository"
  3. Input name, choose type "maven", click on "Create"
  4. Go in created repository, click on "Add a Package", input namem choose licence "Apache-2.0", add your git url in "Version control" field.
  5. Create new file binrayauth.properties in package Home/.adnroid
  6. Add to file fields: bintrayUser=[your user name on bintray] bintrayApiKey=[your api key on bintray]
  7. In terminal (Android Studio) execute the command - ./gradlew :sdk:bintrayUpload