
Realtime anomalies detection based on statsd, for periodic time series.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Realtime anomalies detection based on statsd, for periodic time series.

Latest version: v0.1.6



npm install node-bell -g

then add node-bell to statsd's backends in statsd's config.js:

, backends: ["node-bell"]

Quick Start

  1. Start statsd & ssdb & beanstalkd.

  2. Generate sample configuration and edit it, default res/configs.toml:

    $ bell -s
    $ mv sample.configs.toml configs.toml
    $ vi configs.toml
  3. Start listener & analyzers (optional: webapp).

    bell analyzer -c configs.toml
    bell listener -c configs.toml
    bell webapp -c configs.toml

    You can view site on


  1. listener: receives incoming metrics from statsd, then put them to job queue.
  2. analyzer(s): get job from job queue, and then analyze if current metric an anomaly or not.
  3. webapp: visualizes analyzation result on web.

Events & Hooks

Hook modules are Node.js modules that listen for events from node-bell. Each hook module shoule export the following initialization function:

  • init(configs, analyzer, log)

Events currently available:

  • Event 'anomaly detected'

    Parameters: (metric, multiples)

    Emitted when an anomaly was detected.

Built-in hook module (and sample hook): hooks.

Look Inside


3-sigma or called 68-95-99.7 rule, reference


Analyzers store metrics in ssdb, using zset, here is storage format for a single time series:

key       |  score
timestamp | value:is_anomaly:timestamp

Data Flow

    v        send to queue
[listener] -----------------> [beanstalkd]
                                  | reserve
            history metrics       v       record anomalies
            ---------------> [analyzers] ----------------
            |                     |                     |
            |                     | put to ssdb         |
            |                     v                     |
            ------------------- [ssdb] <-----------------




MIT. Copyright (c) 2014 Eleme, Inc.