This project will (eventually) aim to create THE streaming site, by streaming videos available on a lot of other streaming sites. It will also focus on delivering notifications when new episodes come out so you'll never miss them again.
Features will include:
- Integrate with MyAnimeList so it knows what you are watching.
- Send you a mail or update to an RSS feed when a new episode for an anime you're watching becomes available.
- Index which anime are streamed on which locations. Since this is A LOT of data, it must be done dynamically. As in, only start searching for relevant data once a user requests it, then store it forever.
Provide links to locations where a certain anime is streamed. Possiblystream those video's directly from this site.
UPDATE: The site should be live here, but with questionable stablity:
Currently I'm not hosting on any potato, but a potato with the weight, size, loudness and temperature of a jet engine. So I really need an actual server:
Guide for development servers (WIP):
- Required software:
- ffmpeg
- pip
- cfscrape
- selenium
- firefox
- xvfb
- Included in Homestead:
- composer
- python >= 2.5
- a recent version of nodejs and npm
- a webserver
- a database
- openssl
- php7.0, php7.0-curl, other php extensions
- php database extension