
ActionScript (AS3) library for processing binary data. This library contains MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 ( SHA-224 и SHA-256 ), Base64, CRC32 algorithms, JSON encoder & decoder as well as PNG and JPEG encoders.

Primary LanguageActionScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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ActionScript (AS3) library for processing binary data.


This library contains MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 ( 224 и 256 ), Base64, CRC32 algorithms, JSON encoder & decoder as well as PNG and JPEG encoders.


import by.blooddy.crypto.MD5;
var result:String = MD5.hash( 'text' );
import by.blooddy.crypto.MD5;
import by.blooddy.crypto.events.ProcessEvent;

var md5:MD5 = new MD5();
md5.hash( 'text' );
md5.addEventListener( ProcessEvent.COMPLETE, function(event:ProcessEvent):void {
	var result:String = event.data;
	trace( result ); // async result
} );
md5.addEventListener( ProcessEvent.ERROR, function(event:ProcessEvent):void {
	var error:Error = event.data;
	trace( error ); // async error
} );