
Bindings to the JS standard library

Primary LanguageReScript


Bindings to the JS standard library


This is an alternative library to the default Js module.

Main differences:

  • Closer naming to the JS platform (e.g. Object vs Obj)
  • Type-first pipe
  • Consistent naming accross the bindings
  • Some missing data-structures (e.g. Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet, BigInt, Intl)
  • A DX that overall looks more like JS (if you open Js, you should feel at home)
  • Simple bindings to window, document and globalThis (they're basically typed as any)

Nearly all data structures maintain compatible types with the default Js module.


Run the following in your console:

$ yarn add rescript-js

Then add rescript-js to your bsconfig.json's bs-dependencies:

   "bs-dependencies": [
+    "rescript-js"

If you want to exclusively use rescript-js:

   "bsc-flags": [
+    "-open ReScriptJs",


open ReScriptJs.Js

Console.log("Hello world!")

let timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 100)


let array = [1, 2, 3]

let sum = array
  ->Array.map(x => x * 2)
  ->Array.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item, 0)

Available modules are listed in ReScriptJs.res