
A static website generator

Primary LanguageReScript

ReScript Pages

Yet another static website generator

Key features

  • Markdown collection based content: Write markdown files in directories, the directories become collections, the files become items
  • Completely over-engineered: generates a Single-Page-Application that kicks in after the initial load, loading the minimum delta to transition to the next page
  • Simple API: you basically have two hooks to get data:
    • useItem(collection, ~id),
    • useCollection(collection, ~page=1, ~direction=#desc)
  • Pagination: You define the page size in your config, the generator creates the correct pagination
  • RSS & Sitemap generation
  • i18n support


$ yarn add rescript-pages


Create an entry file with a default export with your configuration:

let default = Pages.make(
    siteTitle: "Title",
    siteDescription: "Description",
    distDirectory: "dist",
    baseUrl: "https://example.url",
    staticsDirectory: Some("public"),
    paginateBy: 20,
    variants: [
        subdirectory: None,
        localeFile: None,
        contentDirectory: "contents",
        getUrlsToPrerender: ({getAll, getPages}) =>
            getAll("pages")->Array.map(slug => `/${slug}`),
            getAll("posts")->Array.map(slug => `/post/${slug}`),
            getPages("posts")->Array.map(page => `/posts/${page->Int.toString}`),

We provide two commands:

  • start: starts a dev server
  • build: builds the website
$ pages start entry.bs.js
$ pages build entry.bs.js