
A simple python API for Amazon MWS

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This API is in constant development. Do not rely on it too much until its in stable release. All except for the last two APIs ( InboundShipment and OutboundShipment ) are complete. Help towards completing this last two APIs would be greatly appreciated. I will mark this as stable 1.0 once all tests have been completed.

Python Amazon MWS

Python Amazon MWS is a python interface for the Amazon MWS API. I wrote it to help me upload my products to amazon. However, seeing its potential i decided to expand it in order for it to cover most ( if not all ) operations in the Amazon MWS.

This is still an ongoing project. If you would like to contribute, see below :).

Its based on the amazon-mws-python.

Checkout the documentation here. You can read the official Amazon MWS documentation here.


  • Improve README
  • Create tests
  • Finish InboundShipments & OutboundShipments APIs
  • Finish Docs

Notes About MWS

  • Amazon does not provide a sandbox, every changes you do with this client is submitted to a Amazon marketplace
  • Amazon uses clusters, not every response is the same respone like some seconds ago.


If you like the project, please, contact me at commonzenpython@gmail.com (gtalk and email) and help me improve it.