
High level description of Elastic ML jobs

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Elastic Machine Learning examples

Helping users define jobs of Machine Learning (ML) using the Elastic stack.


This document describes (at a macroscopic level) how to create Machine Learning jobs with the Elastic stack.

In the following document, each job is described by:

  • a short title,
  • the "detector" part of the job, with partition_field_name that is the keyword Elastic uses to "split" the data (as you can find in multi-metric jobs), over for population jobs or by that you see in the advanced jobs,
  • the type of job (among multi-metric, population and advanced, as they appear in the UI).

In order to focus the ML job on a subset of data (for example auth failures or one network protocol in particular), 2 features can be used: saved searches in Discover (the easy one) or the Datafeed query field of the advanced job where the following syntax can be used:

  • { "match": { "@to.keyword": "xxx" }}
  • { "term": { "network.protocol": { "value": "dns", "boost": 1 }}}
  • { "term": { "event.action": { "value": "reject", "boost": 1 }}}

The fields are named according to the Elastic Common Schema.

You can get further details on the Elastic ML recipe page.


Identify security attacks.

Data exfiltration

Description: stealing data out of an organization network

Source: Proxy logs, DNS requests logs, packet capture (via packetbeat)

Enrichment: Malicious domains, top visited URLs (Alexa for instance), Reverse DNS... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Outgoing volume by source: sum(network.outbound.bytes) over source.ip (population) and sum(network.outbound.bytes) partition_field_name=source.ip (multi-metric)
  • Unusual domains: rare() by destination.domain (advanced)
  • Volume (nb of requests or outgoing bytes) by domain: sum(network.outbound.bytes) over destination.domain (population) and count() over destination.domain (population)
  • Number of subdomains by domain: distinct_count(destination.subdomain) over destination.domain (population)
  • Entropy of subdomains by domain: high_info_content(destination.subdomain) over destination.domain (advanced), see the DNS exfiltration recipe for more info

Web Scraping

Description: data scraping used for extracting data from websites (Wikipedia)

Source: Web accces logs (Reverse proxy / LB) or Web server access logs

Enrichment: Bots list, User Agents parsing, Reverse DNS, GeoIP... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Nb of hits (RPS): count() over user.id (population) or count() over user.id partition_field_name=http.response.status_code (advanced)
  • Downloaded volume (comparing per session/user id): sum(network.outbound.bytes) over user.id (population)

Unusual website visitor

Split visitors between users and non human (robots, etc)

Source: Web accces logs (Reverse proxy / LB) or Web server access logs

Enrichment: Bots list, User Agents parsing, Reverse DNS, GeoIP... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Unusual UA: rare() by user_agent.original (advanced job)
  • Unusual source IP: rare() by source.ip (advanced job)
  • Comparing hits over users: high_count() partition_field_name=http.response.status_code over user.id (advanced job)

Port scanning

Detect a port scan activity on the network

Source: packets (packetbeat) or netflow (using the Logstash netflow module)

Enrichment: CMDB mostly. See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Nb destinations by source: high_distinct_count(destination.ip) partition_field_name=source.ip (advanced job)
  • Nb destination ports by source: high_distinct_count(destination.port) partition_field_name=source.ip (advanced job)

Authentication brute force

Brute force attacks on authentication

Source: authentication logs (from application, SSH, VPN, etc)

Enrichment: AD, CMDB, GeoIP... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Failed logins by source: count() over source.ip partition_field_name=event.action (population job), see the ML recipe for more info.

Unusual login

Unusual login time or location

Source: authentication logs (from application, SSH, VPN, etc)

Enrichment: AD, CMDB, GeoIP (adding the user.location below). See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Login time per user and device: time_of_day() by user.id partition_field_name=host.id (advanced job)
  • Login location per user and device: rare() by user.location partition_field_name=host.id (advanced job)

Unusual process

Unusual process started on a device

Source: processes started (from Windows events using winlogbeat and auditbeat) and process runing (via metricbeat)

Enrichment: AD, CMDB... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Unusual processes: rare() by process.pid partition_field_name=host.id (advanced job), see the ML recipe for more information.
  • rare arguments: high_info_content(process.args) partition_field_name=process.name (advanced job)

Application monitoring (perf, errors...)

Track issues of performance or errors in applications.


Track performance issue (response time). Response time decrease can also be abnormal (to be correlated with errors and response codes).

Source: application logs (from the app itself), Web accces logs (Reverse proxy / LB) or Web server access logs

Enrichment: CMDB, GeoIP, reverse DNS... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Average response time: avg(http.response.time) partition_field_name=url.host.name,http.response.status_code (multi-metric job)
  • Maximum response time: max(http.response.time) partition_field_name=url.host.name,http.response.status_code (multi-metric job)


Track visitors, nb of hits, session time, etc

Source: application logs (from the app itself), Web accces logs (Reverse proxy / LB) or Web server access logs

Enrichment: CMDB, GeoIP, reverse DNS... See the Logstash transformation capabilities for more info.

ML jobs:

  • Session duration: avg(session.duration) (simple job)
  • Hits over users: count() over user.id (population job)
  • Hits by response code: count() partition_field_name=url.host.name,http.response.status_code (multi-metric job)

Infra monitoring

in/out bound traffic : high mean bytes in/out CPU by process memory by process