Pretty (and) Accurate Stack Trace Analysis is an extension to the JavaScript source map format that allows for accurate function name decoding.
- a1300
- aleclarsonSouthwest Florida
- azeemba@Bloomberg
- csabapalfi@palfi-ltd
- drom@sifive
- dsaltaresCluj-Napoca, Romania
- erosenberg@spotify
- francisbrito@blenderbox
- gmcabrita@amplemarket
- greggbNYC
- gribnoysup@mongodb @10gen
- hoodwink73@PlumHQ
- HughCrailLondon, UK
- KonstantinosPapadopoulos@goldmansachs
- kpflemingFastly
- L2jLigaKaliningrad
- ldarbiBloomberg LP
- marciniwanicki@bloomberg
- michaelficarra@shapesecurity, part of @f5networks
- mike182uk@TryGhost
- MikeWeller@bloomberg
- mohsen1New York City, NY
- niftylettuce
- pankajkumar3021
- paulirishGoogle Chrome, ♥z
- rbucktonMicrosoft
- rickbutton@bloomberg
- robpalmeBloomberg L.P.
- rpamelyLondon, UK
- rricard@bloomberg
- Rudeg@airbnb
- scottopell
- stereoboosterBerlin, Germany
- tchetwin@Bloomberg
- vamega
- wbarlowBloomberg L.P.