Interview Scheduler

A single page student interview scheduling app built with React, Axios, Postgres, Storybook, Jest, Webpack, Babel and Cypress.


Install dependencies with npm install.

Make sure to run the API server available here:


  • axios: ^0.21.4

  • classnames: ^2.2.6"

  • normalize.css: ^8.0.1

  • react: ^16.9.0,

  • react-dom": ^16.9.0,

  • react-hooks-testing-library: ^0.6.0,

  • react-scripts": 3.0.0

Running Webpack Development Server

npm start

Running Jest Test Framework

npm test

Running Storybook Visual Testbed

npm run storybook

Default view

Default View

Book interview

Book interview

Cancel interview

Cancel interview