Your First Full Stack Application (from scratch)

  • The purpose of this exercise is to have you build a full stack application using the MERN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and Node.js) and get you used to being quizzed on commonly asked Interview Questions about Node.js, ExpressJS and MongoDB.
  • Answers to your written questions should be recorded in
  • This is to be worked on alone but you can use outside resources. You can reference any old code you may have, and the Corresponding Documentation, however, please refrain from copying and pasting any of your answers. Try and understand the question and put your responses in your own words. Be as thorough as possible when explaining something.
  • Don't fret or get anxious about this, this is a no-pressure assessment, NOT a pass/fail situation.

Start by forking and cloning this repository.


  1. What is the difference between Node.js and Express.js?
  2. What are the core features of Express.js
  3. What is Postman and what is it used for?
  4. What arguments are passed to Custom Middleware functions and what is the third parameter used for?
  5. What is MongoDB and what is it used for?
  6. What is Mongoose.js and what is it used for?


Build a full stack application using React and React Router (feel free to offload some of the boilerplate with Create React App) for the front end (Redux is Optional), and Node.js, ExpressJS and MongoDB for the back end.

Organize your files any way you want.


  • Build a budget tracking application where the user can save a list of accounts with the following information:
    • name
    • description
    • budgetedAmount
    • isActive
  • the id for the account should be generated by the database, no need to provide one.
  • provide a My Budget view to see the list of accounts, their budgeted amount and the active status (display Yes if isActive is true and No if isActive is false.
  • provide a view to create an account.
  • provide a view to edit an account.
  • build the backend to persist the data to a MongoDB database.
  • use what you have learned to create a RESTful API to perform the operations required to fulfill the React Application requirements.

Now go have fun!

Once you are finished - We have further reading for you and your weekend video/study materials.