
Running this project

The front end is set up with Parcel Bundler, a library that compiles our assets and comes with an integrated development server with auto-reload. This server runs on port 1234 by default, but will use another if 1234 is being used by another application.

The "quotes" API runs on port 3333 which needs to be free, or this server won't be able to start.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Navigate into the project folder.
  3. Run npm install to download the project's dependencies.
  4. Run npm run api to start the "quotes" API locally on http://localhost:3333/api/quotes.
  5. Open a new terminal window at the same directory and run npm run react to build the React project and serve it on http://localhost:1234.
  6. Run npm test to run tests using Cypress (optional).

Task A

Task A Summary

Complete eight tasks so the React app is able to work like in this video.

Task A Instructions

  • Read server.js to understand how each endpoint works. The project has no database, so restarting the api script returns the quotes to their original state.

  • There is a total of eight tasks (tasks 1 through 8) that need to be completed. They are found inside the Container.js and Form.js components. Each tasks includes a log statement with specific instructions. You can tackle the tasks in any order you wish. You do not need to touch any code outside of the tasks.

Task B (optional)

Task B Summary

Use Redux to manage application state.

Task B Instructions

  • Add redux and react-redux to the project, and use them to centralize application state inside a Redux store.
  • Connect the Container.js component so it receives state and action creators through props.