26th September 2013 (2013-09-26)
- Description
- Author(s)
- Latest Version
- Documentation
- Requirements / Dependencies
- Installation
- Examples
- Bugs, Feature requests etc.
- Copyright & Licensing
The EAD Toolbox provides a number of tools for working with Encoded Archival Description (EAD) XML documents.
Current capabilities include validation to the DTD, cross-walk to other metadata schemas, and extraction and display of subjects and named entities.
It also includes a web-based user interface for validating, cross-walking and extracting data from your own EAD files, provided via a Python WSGI compliant web application
John Harrison <john.harrison@liv.ac.uk> at the University of Liverpool
Latest version is available from PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/eadtoolbox
Source code is under version control and available from: https://github.com/bloomonkey/ead-toolbox
All executable commands are self documenting, i.e. you can get help on how to
use them with the -h
or --help
option. e.g.
ead-validate --help
At this time the only additional documentation that exists can be found in this README file!
pip install eadtoolbox
I recommend that you use virtualenv to isolate your development environment from system Python and any packages that may be installed there.
In GitHub, fork the repository
Clone your fork:
git clone git@github.com:<username>/ead-toolbox.git
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install in develop / editable mode:
pip install -e .
To validate using the EAD 2002 DTD:
ead-validate FILE
The EAD Toolbox currently only supports validation using the EAD 2002 DTD. I hope to add validation using the XSD schema in the near future.
The features availble though the commnad-line can also be accessed, and made available to other users over a local network or the web, through the EAD Sandbox application. Run the application using the following command:
ead-sandbox [--hostname=HOSTNAME] [--port=PORT]
This will start a quick demonstration WSGI server (not recommended for
production use) to serve the application, and also open the application in a
new browser window/tab if possible. If you don't want the browser window/tab,
you can launch the application with the --no-browser
ead-sandbox --no-browser [--hostname=HOSTNAME] [--port=PORT]
from lxml import etree
from eadtoolbox.validate import EAD2002DTDValidator
ead = etree.parse(open('eadfile.xml', 'r'))
validator = EAD2002DTDValidator()
if validator.validate(ead):
print "VALID"
print "INVALID"
for e in validator.errors:
print str(e)
Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted to the GitHub issue tracker: http://github.com/bloomonkey/ead-toolbox/issues
If you'd like to contribute code, patches etc. please email the author, or submit a pull request on GitHub.
Copyright (c) University of Liverpool, 2010-2013
See LICENSE.rst for licensing details.