$17 Billion Dollars and A Century in the making, does the second ave subway line positively influence the social and economical development of upper east side?

Overbudget and overdue, the 2nd Ave Subway is one of the most ambitious transportation development projects in NYC. Here we assess whether the wait and money spent on planning and constructing the subway was put to good use.

Explored Topics

Economic Benefits

How does the # of businesses change before or after the subway? 
What type of the businesses change over time?
Does business tax income increase or not? 
How does it influence the housing prices / rental prices along the new subway line?
use the changes around Q line, L (Hudson Yards) as examples and references
Does it attract higher population/income to move here? (population, avg income)

Convienence Benefits

How much capacity does it free from other subway lines?
How much commuting time does it save for residents ?
How much it reduces the walking distance/time for nearby residents ?  
What are the income groups living in these neighbords right now ? (Service to underserved neighborhoods, minorities, disabled)
What kind of dogs live here? :wink: maybe, if make sense 

Subway Project Timeline

  • Proposed in 1919 (Almost 100 years ago!)
  • Existing elevated line was demolished in 1942
  • Construction for the 2nd ave subway started in 1972 but stopped in 1975 (due to funding?)
  • City passed transportation bond in Nov 8 2005 to finance project
  • Restarted in April 2007, groundbreaking April 12, 2007 and started April 23 2007
  • Q line extension 72, 86, 96 streets opened in Jan 1 2017
  • 2nd phase: 106, 116, 125 st planned sometime 2027 - 2029
  • 3rd phase: Unknown (edited)

Anticipated Budget

Budget: http://gothamist.com/2016/12/29/2nd_ave_subway_explainer.php#photo-1 Phase 1: $4.5 Billion Phase 2: ???

Give an example





plot walking distance from center of zip codes around 2nd ave to nearest subway (use google maps walking) -- sharon todo google api part
get median hourly wage statistics by zip code
get avg increase in real estate prices by zip code Q, hudson yards line project that to neighborhoods around 2nd ave line, multiply by avg property tax rate
avg new business startups, income by business, business tax rates

get number of subway riders by turnstile data in nearest subways, reduce that by x% served by 2nd ave (tricky but kinda cool relieves congestion)

Built With

  • R - Data exploration and extraction
  • Google API - Estimated walk times
  • Shiny - Generate interactive data
  • [D3] - Interactive plots


  • Addison Li - Creative Designer - AddyYing
  • Andrés Rios - Mapping Genius - Deibyrios
  • Jason Kuo - Insightful Architect - Jkuo4
  • Sharon Tsao - Planning Expert and Makes Great Cookies - Blooraspberry


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc