
Magento 1

Opened this issue · 6 comments


Do you know when the extension for Magento 1 will be available for testing?

Best regards :-)
Jesper Brejning

I am too waiting for to become accessible. I would purchase the extension, if I could, although I can't, and I can't find a similar one for Magento 1 either. Hopefully the dev has time to finalize this for M1 🥇 I would be very happy and grateful.

blopa commented

Hello @babygear and @etsanov.

All the code used on the M2 version was written thinking on the possibility of simply copying and pasting to the M1 version, so that's basically what I have been doing, which honestly it's a very boring task.

I'll try to get it done by the end of February

Hi Blopa,

Thank you for your reply. Looking forward to Friday :-)

I do understand - If we can help, please let us know.

Can you tell a name of a website, who is using your bot ?

@blopa how is the progress here? Maybe you could ellaborate a little bit the tasks that needs to be done from the M2 to M1 version, maybe someone here could help.