
A music player built on Vue.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Built With...

  • A basic VueJS project spun up via the Vue CLI 3.0 tool
  • Vuex for state management
  • Vanilla SCSS for basic styling
  • 3 Vue components

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Caveats / Tradeoffs

  • I was originally fetching a mock API (just a local JSON file) but found it was quicker for this exercise to work with hard-coded data in the store file.
  • I had to learn how to use Vuex on the fly. There was a lot of referencing the documentation, writing mutations, getters, etc. The reason I deferred to Vuex was because after scaffolding things out and planning ahead, I realized that managing the entire app's state in one place was the most ideal. My store file became the source of truth for everything and also houses all of my app's major functionality.
  • I flattened the fake song data a bit to make it easier to work with for this demo. Otherwise I was heading down a "how should I structure this?" rabbit hole. The app basically assumes that the user has a really disorganized music library. A more advanced version would have things more finitely organized.

Next Steps / Wants

  • It would be great to turn this into a full-fledged player with a Controls component. For this demonstration, I simplified things.
  • Add a function for resetting the sort ordering