
our django skeleton for google appengine with facebook authentication

Primary LanguagePython

since we want to get started with a new ideas/projects quickly, we created a project skeleton which includes some of the things (libs and configuration) that we pick for most projects.


a bunch of stuff that is in this repository

  • google-app-engine-django (r105)
  • django 1.2.1
  • appstats middleware
  • memcache caching backend configured
  • appengine specific production/development environment switch
  • deck module with 26 char uuid generator and JsonProperty for the datastore
  • facebook python sdk (commit 2da0f678f0c0c5a5ddc77b7456dde232e9b98bd9)
  • facebook javascript sdk (loaded async from fb servers)
  • jQuery 1.4.2 (loaded async from google servers)
  • context processors for facebook application id and debug
  • lib directory for external dependencies inserted into syspath


  • change the 'SECRET_KEY' in settings.py
  • set your own appengine application id in app.yaml
  • add facebook configuration to settings.py


things we still need to extract and clean up from other projects

  • facebook auth via oauth2 redirection (for mobile support)
  • user model