
An Arduino code that displays on a small 0.98" OLED SSD1306 Date/Time and also calculates and displays Salat Time for a given town

Primary LanguageC++


An Arduino code that displays on a small 0.98" OLED SSD1306 Date/Time and also calculates and displays Salat Time for a given town

This code has math routines to compute sun position and muslims salat (prayer) time for a given town (latitude / longitude), DST and convention. The hardware part is composed of an Arduino Nano, a RTC DS1307 and the SSD1306 OLED display to display the time, the date and prayer times. Check the schematic on https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/blotfib/salat-time-679321

More info

Here is the part of code you have to adapt to change for your town:

in mainroutines.cpp

/** change your town */
	const char CountryName[] PROGMEM = "Algeria";
	const char TownName[] PROGMEM = "Tlemcen";
	const double latitude = 34.88*deg2rd;
	const double longitude = -1.31*deg2rd;
	const int TimeZoneTown = 	1;
	const int Convention = 1;
	const int DST = 0;

in stoled.ino

//rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));

uncomment to force the RTC to take the compilation date and time