
Broadcast sensor readings over Bluetooth LE

Primary LanguageGo



  1. Download Raspbian Stretch Lite and unzip
  2. Insert SD card into host computer (note for 30GB+ cards)
  3. Format SD card to FAT32 using native tool or official tool
  4. Local diskutil list to find the SD volume
  5. Local diskutil unmountdisk /dev/disk2 with the actual path from previous step
  6. Local sudo dd if=raspbian.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=2m with actual paths
  7. Wait for quite some time...
  8. Local diskutil mountdisk /dev/disk2 to mount the disk
  9. Local cd /Volumes/boot
  10. Touch /ssh on the boot partition somehow to enable SSH
  11. Insert SD card, plug in ethernet, then plug in power... booted!
  12. SSH using default credentials pi:raspberry and IP discovered via router tool
  13. sudo apt-get install vim
  14. Uncomment duid in /etc/dhcpcd.conf on the boot partition to fix IPv6
  15. Run sudo raspi-config
    1. Select '1 Change User Password' to change default password
    2. Select '2 Network Options' then 'N2 Wi-fi' to connect to Wi-fi
    3. Select '4 Localisation Options' then 'I2 Change Timezone' to update clock
    4. Select '5 Interfacing Options' then 'P4 SPI' to enable SPI
    5. Select '7 Advanced Settings' then 'A1 Expand Filesystem' to expand
  16. Run cd ~ && install -d -m 700 ~/.ssh to initialize the SSH directory
  17. On the host, run cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh {user}@{host} 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' to copy local keys to Pi
  18. Run sudo reboot and cross fingers
  19. Wait for Pi to reboot, then SSH back in... (reboot again if SSH wont work)
  20. We expect lsmod to indicate the SPI Linux Kernel module is loaded $ lsmod | grep spi_
  21. We expect an interface to be mounted $ ls -l /dev/spi
  22. TODO: Compile and test logger program