
Neovim config

Primary LanguageLua

Ant's neovim config

Now 100% Lua and nicely modularised.


Here's a list of the plugins I've added and their key bindings / commands, which I will never remember:


Lazy package and dependency manager. Use :Lazy to see what it's up to.


It installs LSP servers, linters, formatters, and DAP plugins. Puts its binaries in ~/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/ and adds them to neovim's PATH.

Lsp / lspconfig

Load and configure LSP language servers for various languages, on an as-needed basis.

key binding
li LSP info
ll line diagnostic -> more info
ln next diagnostic
lp previous diagnostic
lD goto Declaration
ld goto Definitions (Telescope)
lr goto References (Telescope)
lI goto Implementations (Telescope)
lt goto Type Definitions (Telescope)
ls Document's Symbols (Telescope)
le Document's Diagnostics (Telescope)
lws Workspace's Symbols (Telescope)
lwd Workspace's Diagnostics (Telescope)
lS function signature help (when on a function param)
C-k function signature help (when in INSERT mode)
lR rename
la Code Actions menu e.g. "git blame"
k show 'hover' info
lq Document's Diagnostics (QuickFix)
lwl List Workspace folders
lwa Add Workspace folder
lwr Remove Workspace folder


Handles all completion duties. In a cmp dialogue the following keys are bound:

key binding
C-d next
C-u prev
C-SPACE complete
C-e close
TAB, S-TAB SuperTab emulation


A fake language server: it allows non-LSP tools to interact with neovim via its LSP interface. Mostly used to run formatters.


Provides parsers for various languages, so we can do AST-aware motions, textobjects etc.

textobject description
af around FUNCTION
ac around CLASS
ic in CLASS
al around LOOP
il in LOOP
ab around BLOCK
ib in BLOCK
ar around PARAMETER

|key|binding| |a | swap with next PARAMETER| |A | swap with prev PARAMETER| |]m | next start FUNCTION| |]] | next start CLASS| |]M | next end FUNCTION| |][ | next end CLASS| |[m | prev start FUNCTION| |[[ | prev start CLASS| |[M | prev end FUNCTION| |[] | prev end CLASS|


Open Telescope with :Telescope which will cause it to lazy-load along with its dependencies.

One of these native-fzf is native and requires building: if that doesn't happen automatically, use Lazy's UI to build it with gb.