Ant's neovim config
Now 100% Lua and nicely modularised.
Here's a list of the plugins I've added and their key bindings / commands, which I will never remember:
Lazy package and dependency manager. Use :Lazy
to see what it's up to.
It installs LSP servers, linters, formatters, and DAP plugins. Puts its binaries in ~/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/ and adds them to neovim's PATH.
Lsp / lspconfig
Load and configure LSP language servers for various languages, on an as-needed basis.
key | binding |
li | LSP info |
ll | line diagnostic -> more info |
ln | next diagnostic |
lp | previous diagnostic |
lD | goto Declaration |
ld | goto Definitions (Telescope) |
lr | goto References (Telescope) |
lI | goto Implementations (Telescope) |
lt | goto Type Definitions (Telescope) |
ls | Document's Symbols (Telescope) |
le | Document's Diagnostics (Telescope) |
lws | Workspace's Symbols (Telescope) |
lwd | Workspace's Diagnostics (Telescope) |
lS | function signature help (when on a function param) |
C-k | function signature help (when in INSERT mode) |
lR | rename |
la | Code Actions menu e.g. "git blame" |
k | show 'hover' info |
lq | Document's Diagnostics (QuickFix) |
lwl | List Workspace folders |
lwa | Add Workspace folder |
lwr | Remove Workspace folder |
Handles all completion duties. In a cmp dialogue the following keys are bound:
key | binding |
C-d | next |
C-u | prev |
C-SPACE | complete |
C-e | close |
Confirm | |
TAB, S-TAB | SuperTab emulation |
A fake language server: it allows non-LSP tools to interact with neovim via its LSP interface. Mostly used to run formatters.
Provides parsers for various languages, so we can do AST-aware motions, textobjects etc.
textobject | description |
af | around FUNCTION |
ac | around CLASS |
ic | in CLASS |
al | around LOOP |
il | in LOOP |
ab | around BLOCK |
ib | in BLOCK |
ar | around PARAMETER |
ir | in PARAMETER |
|key|binding| |a | swap with next PARAMETER| |A | swap with prev PARAMETER| |]m | next start FUNCTION| |]] | next start CLASS| |]M | next end FUNCTION| |][ | next end CLASS| |[m | prev start FUNCTION| |[[ | prev start CLASS| |[M | prev end FUNCTION| |[] | prev end CLASS|
Open Telescope with :Telescope
which will cause it to lazy-load along with its dependencies.
One of these native-fzf
is native and requires building: if that doesn't happen automatically, use Lazy's UI to build it with gb