A filled with self-loathing implementation of Basic Authentication, and Certificate Authentication to make me feel like a real security person, all for for ASP.NET Core
- 0xfeeddeadbeef@TBCBank
- aanufriyevMicrosoft
- adamhartfordNew Hampshire
- Atrony8x8
- bcanzanella@newrelic
- ben-foster-cko
- BladeWiseRieti
- carlosflorencioLisbon
- clarkis117Washington, DC
- cleftherisIndice
- dcarr42Bournemouth
- DeffissEPAM Systems
- FroggieFrog
- fyndorDaybreak Games
- Ganesh-ChavanNetherlands
- he1a2s0WuHan
- hp-eFreelancer
- jason-graham
- johnkorsBlank
- jokjadk@Mercell
- kasperdaffPronestor
- leeho7
- mistertown
- newton3
- odinserj@HangfireIO
- pebezo
- pmconnolly80Chattanooga, TN
- popov1024@belorusneft
- sbolumAdisyo
- SimTsai
- soynerditoSoynerdito
- victorjsilva
- WestDiscGolf
- xagabi
- xandersherryMicrosoft
- zaknafeynAura