
Learning stress patterns with a seq2seq neural network

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo contains three software files:

  • Seq2Seq.py
  • Stress_Net_Tesar.ipynb
  • Stress_Net_Windows.ipynb

The two Python notebooks (i.e. the two files ending in ".ipynb") are meant to be run in Google Colab. To do this, you'll need to have a Google Drive account with a directory named "NN_Stress", which itself contains the "Input_Files" directory provided in this repo and an empty directory named "Output_Files". To upload the notebooks to your Google Drive, open a Colab tab, and click "File > Upload Notebook".

The Seq2Seq.py script will also need to be uploaded to your Google Drive, but it should be located in the "My Drive" directory (i.e. the directory that appears automatically when you go to the URL "drive.google.com"). No need to worry about this script's dependencies--they should all be installed automatically on the machine your Colab notebook is running on.