
Primary LanguageHTML


The Office For Creative Research jer@o-c-r.org

Linguistic exploration API / web tool

###To get this working locally:

  1. Install Node.js: http://nodejs.org/

  2. Run 'npm install' from the wordplay directory to install all of the required dependencies. (This should work. If it doesn't, you can manually install the follwoing using npm install : express, rita, jade, stylus, nib, forever, marked )

  3. Run 'node wordplay-app.js'

  4. Visit in your browser

###To edit pages

Right now I'm using a templating system to serve content. Which is probably overkill, but it gives me a good chance to learn to use this stuff.

Pages are being served by Jade: http://jade-lang.com/ CSS by Nib & Stylus: http://learnboost.github.io/stylus/ http://visionmedia.github.io/nib/

##API Endpoints



Currently available corpii:

  • shakes - Complete works of Shakespeare
  • bible - The New Testament
  • mobydick - Moby Dick
  • freud - Sigmund Freud's 'A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis'
  • bieber - 10,000 tweets about Justin Bieber