Flask on Docker

A starter project for building Flask applications, utilizing PostgreSQL for the database and NGINX for reverse-proxy and static file serving

Default endpoints

Endpoints are defined in services/web/project/__init__.py

  • / returns json {"hello": "world"}
  • /static/hi.txt returns a text file containing hi!
    • Any file placed in static folder is accessible through /static/[filename.extension]
  • /upload returns a web form through which a user can upload files
    • Any file uploaded through form is accessible through /media/[filename.extension]

Default commands

To execute commands against the web container, run: docker-compose exec web python manage.py [command]

For production, be sure to include -f flag: -f docker-compose.prod.yml

Commands are defined in serrvices/web/manage.py

  • create_db drops the database and recreates it
    • This command is run by default when you start up the development server
    • You will need to run this manually at least once in production to set up database
  • seed_db seeds the database with whatever is defined within


Build and Deploy

Run docker-compose up -d --build

This will:

  • Create the web and db containers
  • Rebuild the database based on what is defined in the project
    • By default, this will create a basic users table (defined in services/web/project/__init__.py)
  • Seed the database with what is defined in the seed_db command (defined in services/web/manage.py)
    • By default, this create a user with the email test@email.com

Visit Page

Go to localhost:5000 to see application run


Create env.prod

Using .env.dev as a template, create an .env.prod. The only required changes for this setup is:

  • Set FLASK_ENV to 'production'
  • SET APP_FOLDER to '/home/app/web'

You should also set the DATABASE_URL to what fits for your application

Create env.prod.db

This is the environment for the db container


... or don't!

Of course, if you are deploying to an environment that manages your environment variables, you can define the required environment variables there instead of in files

Build and Deploy

Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build

This will:

  • Create the web, db, and nginx containers

Visit Page

Go to localhost:1337 to see application run



To change the nginx config, you can edit services/nginx/nginx.conf. This file is copied over to the nginx container during the build step

Static Files

By default, static files are served out of web/project/static/. They are There is a sample hello.txt that can be deleted

Prior Art