_  _     ____   _                              ____          _       _  _                                                    
  _| || |_  / ___| | |_  _ __  __ _ __   __ __ _  | __ )   ___  | |_   _| || |_                                                  
 |_  ..  _| \___ \ | __|| '__|/ _` |\ \ / // _` | |  _ \  / _ \ | __| |_  ..  _|                                                 
 |_      _|  ___) || |_ | |  | (_| | \ V /| (_| | | |_) || (_) || |_  |_      _|                                                 
   |_||_|   |____/  \__||_|   \__,_|  \_/  \__,_| |____/  \___/  \__|   |_||_|                                                   

Bringing Strava to your Alexa device

Example Output:


Ask Alexa for running information from any of your runs to hear your average speed. running time, distance and heart rate. Alexa will also inform you of any achievements or kudos given and tell you how the run compares to your average time in similar runs.

Find out your summary info so far this year.

You must link your Strava account to the skill using the Alexa app/webpage.

Future releases will include:

  1. Ability to return data based on you saved metric preference (currently only km's)
  2. Age Grading Calculator - ability to find out how your performance compares to other athletes
  3. Pace calculator - find out what pace to run at when aiming for a finish time over a given distance.
  4. Support multiple activity types (cycling / swimming etc). Currently only running is supported.
  5. Ability to update activities.
  6. Ability to query friends activities and leave comments / give kudos

For a guide on how this skill was built refer to :


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