A puppet module for installing and using RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
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Can't check signature: public key not found
#124 opened by Arenhardt - 2
Package curl not required
#98 opened by rynr - 3
Could not find class rvm
#51 opened by anthonygreen - 0
stdlib module in puppet usage
#122 opened by LaksThampi - 2
Could not find command '/usr/bin/curl'
#107 opened by mimmovele - 0
VERSION hasn't been updated
#87 opened by zxjinn - 1
Error installing
#113 opened by arojoal - 1
Duplicate "case" entry for RedHat in dependencies.pp
#110 opened by flozano - 0
reinstall rvm_system_ruby
#109 opened by cloud-hot - 0
curl-devel dependency fails on Amazon Linux
#106 opened by catapultsoftworks - 1
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rvm::passenger::apache fails for ubuntu 12.04 / ruby-2.0.0-p195 / passenger 4.0.2
#77 opened by flipkick - 2
Must Run apt-get update Before RVM Will Install
#101 opened by jonahbron - 2
libyaml dependency not in CentOS repo
#96 opened by murphyke - 0
Why pre-install packages?
#103 opened by MrReasonable - 0
- 1
Is there any desire for rvm::passenger::nginx?
#94 opened by TJM - 3
Gems folder is root only
#69 opened - 0
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No way to keep RVM up-to-date
#78 opened by docwhat - 6
Use of run stage causing ordering problems
#33 opened by ssnodgra - 0
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Could we add a flag to setup to set the 'rvm autolibs' to an arbitrary setting?
#71 opened by butangero - 5
"include rvm" fails because curl is not installed
#47 opened by kaazoo - 1
Ordering problem when installing passenger
#57 opened by rsyring - 3
Cannot install gems: Resource type rvm_gem does not support parameter false
#13 opened by evanstachowiak - 1
wont install with recommended syntax
#62 opened by jdehnert - 2
rvm_gem isn't working
#53 opened by EslamElHusseiny - 4
Install RVM (and different rubies) for root
#56 opened by cbetta - 1
rvm broke gemsets?
#54 opened by scumola - 6
Invalid resource type error
#49 opened by daenney - 12
Include rvm fail
#48 opened by blanchma - 2
Not working right with RVM 1.8.1
#43 opened by pbruna - 1
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class lookup problem
#36 opened by peterhorvath - 1
1.9.2 + faster loading patch
#23 opened by sradu - 8
- 12
Invalid parameter false(false) - possible re-introduction of previous error from puppet 2.6
#21 opened by MiiR - 2
git version error with rvm installer
#26 opened by logicminds - 2
Do dependencies really work?
#22 opened by orkaa - 1
Syntax error in dependent class of rvm
#20 opened by coffeeislife12 - 2
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Documentation suggestion
#17 opened by holstvoogd - 4
doesnt seem to work with vagrant and puppet solo
#14 opened by ashwoods - 10
Doesn't work with puppet 2.7.1
#12 opened by egze - 3
Syntax error
#9 opened by tiredofnick - 4
Installing bundler for two Rubies
#6 opened by matellis