A Computation Investigation into the Epigenetics of Transcript Isoform Selection

Course Project for Columbia Course in Computational Genomics CBMF W4761

Taught by Itshack Pe'er

Brian Trippe and Jeffrey Zhou


This github repository describes a pipeline to process ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data into a format that can be provided to a Random Forest Classifer. In our project, we evaluate the accuracy of the learned models with 5-fold bootstrapping and use this as a metric for how well correlated certain epigenetic marks are to the RNA-seq data.

Please see the individual TSS and splicing sub-directories for instructions to proceed with each pipeline.



  • A unix-based operating system
  • 8GB RAM, ~300GB hard drive space (optional)


  • Python 2.7
  • C++
  • rapidjson
  • numpy, scipy, scikit-learn

Overall Workflow

TSS Workflow

See these instructions.

Splicing Workflow

See [these] instructions.

Data Sources

GTF Annotations: gen10.long.gtf.gz

This file contains all the gene/transcript/exon annotations originally used by the roadmap project used to perform RNA quantification.


ChIP-seq data: Roadmap Epiegnetics Project###

Read mappings of ChIP seq data used in the pipeline


RNA-seq data: 57epigenomes.exon.N.pc

RPKM matrix by exon of the RNA-seq data (protein coding genes) used in the pipeline


RNA-seq data: 57epigenomes.exon.N.nc

RPKM matrix by exon of the RNA-seq data (non-coding genes) used in the pipeline
