
A visualizer for Smash Ultimate hitboxes, hurtboxes, and shield boxes


A visualizer for Smash Ultimate hitboxes, hurtboxes, and shield boxes


8 ID dividers, interpolation, proper capsules, angle visualization, angles, and more! Also, no more improper visuialization with stretched animations! Interpolation Frame 1 Interpolation Frame 2


Different colors for normal status, hitstun, intangibility, invulnerability, super armor, subtractive armor (Yoshi double jump), and heavy armor! Hurtboxes Hurtbox Armors

Shield boxes

Still a WIP feature, but visualizes shield boxes (character shields, Links/Hero shield, King K. Rool belly armor, and counters), reflectors, and absorbers! Game and Watch Absorber + Reflector Sephiroth Counter