
AViNet Diving Deep into Audio Visual Saliency Prediction

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AViNet: Diving Deep into Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction

This repository contains Pytorch Implementation of ViNet and AViNet.



Please cite with the following Bibtex code:

  title={AViNet: Diving Deep into Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction},
  author={Jain, Samyak and Yarlagadda, Pradeep and Subramanian, Ramanathan and Gandhi, Vineet},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06170},


We propose the AViNet architecture for audiovisual saliency prediction. AViNet is a fully convolutional encoderdecoder architecture. The encoder combines visual features learned for action recognition, with audio embeddings learned via an aural network designed to classify objects and scenes. The decoder infers a saliency map via trilinear interpolation and 3D convolutions, combining hierarchical features. The overall architecture is conceptually simple, causal, and runs in real-time (60 fps). AViNet outperforms the state-of-the-art on ten (seven audiovisual and three visual-only) datasets, while surpassing human performance on the CC, SIM and AUC metrics for the AVE dataset. Visual features maximally account for saliency on existing datasets with audio only contributing to minor gains, except in specific contexts like social events. Our work therefore motivates the need to curate saliency datasets reflective of real-life, where both the visual and aural modalities complimentarily drive saliency


We compare our model ViNet with UNISAL (previous state-of-the-art). Below are some examples of our model. The first section is original video, second is the ground-truth, third is our model's prediction and last is the UNISAL's prediction.



  • DHF1K and UCF Sports dataset can be downloaded from this link.
  • Hollywood-2 dataset can be downloaded from this link
  • The six audio-visual datasets - DIEM, AVAD, Coutrot-1&2, SumMe and ETMD can be downloaded from this link. You can also run the following command to fetch all the six dataset and its components -
$ bash fetch_data.sh


Clone this repository and download the pretrained weights of AViNet and ViNet on multiple datasets from this link.

  • ViNet

Run the code using

$ python3 generate_result.py --path_indata path/to/test/frames --save_path path/to/results --file_weight path/to/saved/models

This will generate saliency maps for all frames in the directory and dump these maps into results directory. The directory structure should be

└── Dataset  
    ├── Video-Number  
        ├── images  
  • AViNet

Run the code using

$ python3 generate_result_audio_visual.py --path_indata path/to/test/frames --save_path path/to/results --file_weight path/to/saved/models --use_sound True --split <split_number>
<split_number>: {1,2,3}

This will generate saliency maps for all frames in the directory and dump these maps into results directory. The directory structure should be

└── Dataset  
    ├── video_frames  
        ├── <dataset_name>
            ├── Video-Name
                ├── frames
    ├── video_audio  
        ├── <dataset_name>
            ├── Video-Name
                ├── audio  
    ├── fold_lists
        ├── <dataset_file>.txt

Fold_lists consists of text file of video names and their corresponding fps in various splits. The directory structure is the same as the one generated by the fetch_data.sh file.


For training the model from scratch, download the pretrained weights of S3D from here and place these weights in the same directory. Run the following command to train

$ python3 train.py --train_path_data path/to/train/dataset --val_path_data  path/to/val/dataset --dataset <dataset_name> --use_sound <boolean_value>
<dataset_name> : {"DHF1KDataset", "SoundDataset", "Hollywood", "UCF"} 

In case of ViNet, the dataset directory structure should be

└── Dataset  
    ├── Video-Number  
        ├── images  
        |── maps
        └── fixations  

In case of AViNet, the dataset directory structure should be

└── Dataset  
    ├── video_frames  
        ├── <dataset_name>
            ├── Video-Name
                ├── frames
    ├── video_audio  
        ├── <dataset_name>
            ├── Video-Name
                ├── audio
    ├── annotations
        ├── <dataset_name>
            ├── Video-Name
                ├── <frame_id>.mat (fixations)
                ├── maps
                    ├── <frame_id>.jpg (ground truth saliency map)
    ├── fold_lists
        ├── <dataset_file>.txt

For training the ViNet with Hollywood-2 or UCF-Sports dataset, first train the model with DHF1K dataset or you can directly use our model trained on DHF1K, and finetune the model weights on aforementioned datasets.

Similarly for training the AViNet with DIEM, AVAD, Coutrot-1&2, ETMD and SumMe dataset, first load model with DHF1K trained weights and finetune the model weights on aforementioned datasets.


  • Audio

For training the model, we provide argument to select the model between ViNet (Visual Net) and AViNet (Audio-Visual Net). Run the command -

$ python3 train.py --use_sound <boolean_value> 

If you want to save the results of the generated map run the command -

$ python3 generate_result_audio_visual.py --use_sound <boolean_value> --file_weight <path/to/file> --path_indata <path/to/data> 
  • Multiple Audio-Visual Fusion

You can select the corresponding fusion technique's model from the model.py file. By default it uses the model with Bilinear concatenation for fusing audio and visual cues. If you want to use Transformer-based fusion technique, call the model with name VideoAudioSaliencyTransformerFusionModel.

Quantitative Results

  • DHF1K

The results of our models on DHF1K test dataset can be viewed here under the name ViNet. Comparison with other state-of-the-art saliency detection models

  • Hollywood2

  • UCF

  • DIEM

We provide results on both our models - ViNet and AViNet on the DIEM dataset.


If any question, please contact samyak.j@research.iiit.ac.in, or pradeep.yarlagadda@students.iiit.ac.in , or use public issues section of this repository


This code is distributed under MIT LICENSE.