
My solutions for the Advent of Code 2022 challenges, written in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code 2022

My solutions for the AoC 2022 challenges, written in Python.

🎄 🎄 🎄


Day 🧩 Puzzle 🐍 Solution ⏳ Duration A ⏳ Duration B
1 Calorie Counting day1.py - -
2 Rock Paper Scissors day2.py - -
3 Rucksack Reorganization day3.py - -
4 Camp Cleanup day4.py - -
5 Supply Stacks day5.py - -
6 Tuning Trouble day6.py - -
7 No Space Left On Device day7.py - -
8 Treetop Tree House day8.py 10 ms 110 ms
9 Rope Bridge day9.py 28 ms 119 ms
10 Cathode-Ray Tube day10.py - -
11 Monkey in the Middle day11.py - 382 ms
12 Hill Climbing Algorithm day12.py - 355 ms
13 Distress Signal day13.py - -
14 Regolith Reservoir day14.py 23 ms 1.359 ms
15 Beacon Exclusion Zone day15.py 1.080 ms 1.159 ms
16 Proboscidea Volcanium day16.py 230 ms 18.282 ms
17 Pyroclastic Flow day17.py 194 ms 334 ms
18 Boiling Boulders day18.py 186 ms 32 ms
19 Not Enough Minerals day19.py 4.662 ms 6 min 19 sec
20 Grove Positioning System day20.py 101 ms 1.708 ms
21 Monkey Math day21.py - 56 ms
22 Monkey Map day22.py - -
23 Unstable Diffusion day23.py 72 ms 6.982 ms
24 Blizzard Basin day24.py 1.205 ms 3.510 ms
25 Full of Hot Air day25.py -

Timings are measured on my laptop in a non-scientific way. Empty durations indicate a runtime of less than a few milliseconds.


Python 3.11

Package requirements are specified in the requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

You should install the pre-commit hooks and its dependencies to format the code before committing.

pip install pre-commit black isort flake8
pre-commit install