
Backend Repo for RePlate Build Week

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lambda School Build Week: RePlate

Backend By Brandi Bailey

This Github Repo is the backend for Lambda RePlate Build Week.

I'm Brandi, and I attend Lambda School. I'm currently in my Backend Build Week and have utilized Node.js and Express to build out the backend for this project.

The backend is hosted at:

API Documentation can be found at:

This is a collaborative project. Feel free to explore the organization for the marketing pages and frontend that were created by fellow students.

Marketing Pages:
(link with credit will be provided soon)

Front End:
(link with credit will be provided soon)

More Info...

Approximately 5 weeks prior to this backend launch (April 2019), I worked on this same project with another group as a front-end. I will fork that project and make adjustments to connect to this backend. Link will be provided in the coming days/weeks, as time allows.